15 - asdfghjKL

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Rumors spread faster than I thought. I really don't mind all of it. But on the other hand, it made my whole school life worse than attending classes.

It took a day before I deciphered Rie's words, more like the 'warning' about that Shea Hiou. I gain enemies because of what had happened last Monday.

It is Friday today. Each time I walk down the hallway or corridor, every girls would look at me with glares and start whispering. It's not really new to me when the Student Council President begun to make friends with me. And never in my entire life to think that even Kei "The Salt" Tsukishima would also have a fan's club.

Ah, this has gotten so troublesome. Kei has a fan's club, and the leader is none other than Shea "The Drama Queen" Hiou. She's pink-headed teenage girl; she obviously loves pink, because she's full of pink accessories; and she's a perfect definition of annoying girl from the Barbie World.

Right now, it is morning. I'm walking towards the entrance of the main building. Saturday tomorrow, I will finally be having my rest. I'm sort of proud of myself, because I survived the whole week. It was hell, actually.

I reach inside the building, straight to the locker area. Soon as I open the locker, piles of trashes fell down from it.

I creased my forehead in annoyance. Like the fudge why? I sigh irritatingly and pick up the trashes, then I throw 'em off in a nearest trash bin.

I huff to myself and change my outdoor shoes to indoor ones. Continuing my pace to reach my class, I notice all the familiar glares of the girls.

I sigh inwardly. Only if I could return the glare and threaten them with a 'do-you-want-me-to-stab-you?' look. Okay, whatever. Glares can't kill.

So, I did nothing but to walk to find my classroom just to listen to the old and nothing new lessons.

I reached my room. And the moment I enter inside, I could already feel the annoying vibes. Hah, she's here again. I sighted her sitting on my chair while facing Tsukishima-kun. I'm not used to call him that, though.

Not really my will, but I have to go to my seat. Soon as I come to my place, I cleared my throat. Shea Hiou quickly gazes at me with a tricksy smile. "Oh, the trash is here."

I facepalm immediately and look at her with a faint churlish expression. "If I'm trash, then the place where you are sitting right now is the trash can, so that basically makes you a trash as well."

I smirk as soon as she gets her infuriated facial expression.

It is fun roasting someone out, so I add, "Then you will be the Trash Doll."

Shea Hiou is about to give her rebuttal, but the bell starts ringing—signing that homeroom is about to begin.

She doesn't have a choice but to leave.

I draw out a relief sigh when she retreated submissively. Ah, she's preparing something really fishy to me. Heh, I can feel it. Feel it? Or smell it? Nah, I don't care.

Classes start . . . I only counted fourteen thousand, four hundred seconds (I really did not) before lunch break.

I never knew what happened, but I survived the whole morning class.

Lunch break time.

Usually, at this time, Kei's admirers will do something really, really nasty. For the whole week, they would put trashes to my locker, seat, and bag. One day, they also took my outdoor shoes and hid it somewhere, that was why I walked home barefooted. And getting out of the room scares me out, they might plan an ambush to me.

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