Steve Rogers-Movie Night Teasing

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*Contains Smut

After years of working your ass off to prove to your boss just how good you were, you landed the dream job you had been gunning for: working for S.H.I.E.L.D. You were placed side by side with Maria Hill and worked the comms and surveillance with her as the Avengers were on missions. This was in fact how you met Steve Rogers, during a debriefing of a mission.

You were sat near Hill as Fury was at the head of the table as the Avengers walked in, Steve Rogers taking up the rear. The second he came into the room and laid eyes on you, you were a goner. Those baby blue eyes, wide shoulders, thick arms and narrow waist. He was yummy and you couldn't help but give him a smirk. All throughout the debriefing the two of you kept exchanging glances towards one another, small smiles appearing on both your faces. When it was all over, the two of you were the last to remain in the room as you were usually the one to clean up. This time however, the good ole Captain himself decided to help you and you were ecstatic about it. The two of you got to talking while cleaning and he asked you out on a date. Of course you said yes!

And here you two were, five months later and still going strong. Being with Steve was exhilarating. You loved to teach him new things seeing as how he missed out on 70 years. He was a very old time romantic guy and it was pleasantly nice. Most guys nowadays thought romance was waiting until after the first date to have sex with you. It was a breath of fresh air and you welcomed it. He had taken you on plenty of dates to the park, and trips on his motorcycle. Your sex life was nothing short of astounding as you found Steve to be everything from sensual and gentle in the bedroom, to wanting it rough and dominating. He was the perfect mix of gentlemen and aggressive and it was thrilling.

The two of you, along with most of the other Avengers found yourself seated in the new state of the art theater room Tony had built at the tower. There were eight rows of seating, four comfortable reclining seats in each row, and two seats were always attached in case couples wanted to cuddle. You and Steve took the back row and lucked out as nobody decided to claim the other two seats in your row. You loved movie nights; it was always a great way to kick back after a successful mission. If the mission went well, there was the debriefing right afterwards and the next night was always celebrated with a movie. This was the first time in the new theater and everyone was excited.

You wore a skirt, wanting to dress up and be cute for Steve, but you underestimated how chilly it was going to be in the theater. The two of you reclined your seats and got comfortable as the opening credits of Jurassic Park came on. You shivered as the air conditioning kicked on to what felt like a frozen tundra setting and Steve noticed. "Are you cold doll?" he whispered over to you and you nodded your head yes. Ever the gentleman, he pulled the armrest up and scooted over to you, wrapping his arm around your back so his body heat could warm you; and warm you it did. He placed a tender kiss to your cheek before he turned back to watch the movie.

The movie was barley 15 minutes in when Steve placed his hand on your bare thigh, and only about 17 minutes in when you felt him move his hand further up your thigh. Your breath hitched and you knew what he was doing. He loved to tease you because he knew it turned you on. You looked over to see his face and he had a cheerful smile on his face. That smug cocky bastard you thought to yourself. He wanted to tease you but you were going to try your hardest to not give in. Oh who were you kidding, the man knew you like no other.

His firm hand kept sliding its way up to its desired placed and once it finally reached your soaked panties you let out a soft gasp. "SSshhhh doll, you don't want them to know what's going on back here now do you" Steve whispered into your ear before kissing your neck. Damn you for wearing a skirt and damn you for wearing your hair up in a bun so he could have access to your neck! You should have known better, but alas, it was too late for that now. By now there was only about 20 minutes left of the film, as Steve's teasing was usually long and drawn out.

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