Bucky Barnes-Salty and Sweet

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"Where's Y/N?" Bucky inquired as he stepped into the kitchen; Natasha and Steve eating lunch at the table.

"Letting off some steam in the gym" Natasha replied before taking a bite of her sandwich. Bucky opened the fridge, grabbing an apple before sitting down at the table and joining the other two. It was quiet as the three sat there, eating their lunch. Steve going over some missions' paperwork as Natasha read the newspaper.

It seemed like Steve finally caught up in what Nat had said about you, and he lowered his paper. "What do you mean letting off some steam? What happened?"

Natasha finished her sandwich, dusting her fingers of crumbs before she spoke. "She's pissed at Barnes. Something about the two of them spending a nice night together, but then this one" she stated pointing to Bucky, "going out with another chick after that."

Bucky dropped the apple in his hand, his eyes going wide as Steve gave him a disapproving look. "Hold up, she said what?" Bucky declared, anger lacing his voice. Natasha quirked her eyebrow, giving him a 'you heard me' look. He rolled his eyes before stomping out of the kitchen, heading towards the gym.


"You. Are. An. Asshole. Bucky. Barnes" you enunciated with each punch to the punching bag. Your hands were tightly wrapped, your skin glistening with sweat as the sunlight streamed through the windows. You were mad, no, beyond mad, you were pissed.

A couple weeks ago, Bucky joined you on the communal couch as you watched movies, asking if he could watch with you. Naturally, you said yes as you've had a crush on him since the whole 'Civil War' thing. The two of you spent the entire night getting to know each other better, and you honestly thought it was going somewhere. It felt comfortable between you two, natural. At the end of the night, Bucky walked you back to your room where you placed a kiss on his check. But, then nothing happened. And you mean nothing. Bucky barely even looked in your direction anymore, and to top it all off, he was out with some other broad half the time.

The door to the gym slammed open, causing you to miss the punching bag and from the sheer force of your punch, you landed on the ground hard. Groaning, you looked up to see Bucky stalking towards you.

Rolling your eyes, you got up from the ground and walked to the bench, grabbing your water bottle and towel. "What do you want Barnes" you growled out as you wiped the sweat from your face.

"Really Y/N? You're pissed at me for going out with another girl? You and I aren't even together!" he declared, pointing between you and him.

"No shit Sherlock!" you ripped back with sarcasm as you walked around him, not making it very far. He quickly grabbed your arm, slamming you back into the wall, caging you in as his hands were placed on the wall on either side of your head. "What the hell is your problem Barnes!"

His head hung low, shaking it a few times before his laughter flooded the gym. Anger pulsed through you as he continued to laugh at you. You lifted your knee, slamming it into his stomach but alas, he was practically made of steel and you hurt yourself more than anything. "Ow, FUCK!" you screamed in pain as you placed your hand on your injured knee.

"You can't hurt me doll" Bucky purred, lifting his head to meet your gaze. Scowling back at him, you tried to move but he pinned you back against the wall again. "In all seriousness, tell me what's wrong?"

Huffing out in annoyance, you turned your head so you didn't have to look into his puppy dog eyes. "No" you replied stubbornly, crossing your arms against your chest as you tried to cover up your cleavage from your training bra. Bucky leaned in closer and you felt his warm breath fanning your face. You wanted nothing more than to lean up and capture his lips to yours, but you were going to stand your ground on this, at least for now.

His hand brushed against your cheek before tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "Come on doll. Let's talk about this, we can figure it out."

Your head snapped back, eyes locking with his before narrowing into slits. "Why? All you want to do is go be a man-whore! Here I thought, we spent the night together, watching movies, getting to know each other and opening up to one another. Then, you walk me back to my room like a perfect gentlemen and I gave you a kiss on the cheek! I thought maybe that was just the beginning, maybe you would ask me out on a date. But now I see right through that! I regret opening up about my past with you Bucky Barnes!" Your chest was heaving after your rant, your eyes glowering at him.

For a moment, Bucky looked hurt, sad even. But you couldn't tell if it was real or if he was just playing games with you. His eyes darted from yours to your lips as you nervously chewed on your bottom lip.

Your eyes became wide as his head quickly descended, his lips claiming yours in a heated kiss. In that moment, all your thoughts left your head; all you noticed was how perfectly his lips molded with yours. Bucky's hands left the wall as he placed them on your hips; your arms casing his neck, pulling him closer. You could taste the sweetness of an apple on his breath as he parted his lips; his tongue swiping on your lower lip, begging for entrance.

You snapped back to reality, pulling away from him at that point; both of you panting from lack of oxygen and how heated the kiss became. "I'm sorry Y/N, really" Bucky apologized; his eyes searching yours for acceptance. "I didn't know that night meant that much to you and I truly feel bad about it. Why don't we start over huh?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. "Can I take you out for dinner tonight?"

"What about the broad you're seeing?" you jibbed back without even thinking.

"It's nothing, trust me. Just a few dates but it never became anything more than that. She was pretty boring actually. Nowhere near as interesting as you."

His smirk caused your heart to jump and you gave him a sly grin. "Well, alright Mr. smooth talker. Let me go get ready."

Grabbing your towel and water bottle, you started walking towards the doors.

"Oh and Y/N?" Bucky started to say, stopping you in your tracks and turning around. "You might want to shower. You're a bit salty" he ended with a wink.

"BARNES!" you roared before dropping your towel and bottle, racing towards him. His laughter boomed throughout the empty gym as you pounced on him. He fell back onto the floor, with you straddling his waste. "I guess if you don't like salty, then you won't have a problem with my mouth never coming into contact with this" you declared as your hand cupped his semi-hard erection through his pants. Bucky growled at your touch.

"Trust me doll, you can be salty all you want, Idon't mind" he replied before flipping you over; his lips attacking your neckin sweet torture. �@>ۂc'

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