Steve Rogers-Hurt

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*Contains Smut

It was no shock to anybody in the Avengers Towers that you had a massive crush on Steve....except for Steve. Everyone always teased you about it, practically begging you to make a move; but you were just too shy, even though you flirted relentlessly.

Either he just didn't care, or he honestly had no idea what flirting was. Six months into working with the Avengers, being one of them, and it was really starting to frustrate you to no end. You really just felt like giving up and moving on.

Tony was throwing yet another one of his massive parties. This time, you didn't even bother to know why there was a party; you just showed up looking your best, hoping to impress Steve one last time.

Making your way to the bar, you saw Steve sitting there next to Bucky. You paused your step, your breath being taken right out of your lungs as you saw him. No matter what he was dressed in; his stealth suit, workout sweats, but holy hell, now he was in a suit and tie and damn he looked amazing.

Clearing your throat, you quickly smoothed down your dress before heading to the bar. Natasha was sat right next to the boys so you quickly started up a conversation with her.

"Just talk to him Y/N, what's the worst that can happen?" Natasha urged as she nudged your shoulder.

"Uh, he could completely reject you" you said with an eye roll.

The bartender handed you your drink and you downed it with ease, hoping some liquid courage would help you out tonight. As you and Natasha continued your girly chit chat, you couldn't help but sneak glances towards Steve. Bucky noticed at one point as he quirked his eyes at you; a smirk playing on his face.

Your face became heated as Bucky caught you ogling Steve. Quickly downing your third drink, you started to feel a little bit better; you even debated on going to talk to Steve, but it seemed like Bucky already started on that.

"So Steve, what do you think about Y/N?" he asked and you almost spit out your drink as you heard his question. Your face grew warm again as you waited on bated breath for Steve to answer.

"Y/N? I think she's great" Steve started to say as your stomach did summersaults. "Yeah, she's a great asset to our team. She's pretty amazing on missions."

You had to contain yourself from screaming and jumping up and down as Steve said pretty nice things about you.

"Really? Then why don't you ask her out?" Bucky asked as he playfully punched Steve in the arm; Bucky glancing towards you and giving you a wink.

"Really Buck? Y/N is like a sister to me. I don't think of her that way." You saw Steve shake his head towards Bucky, your heart immediately stopped at his words. Natasha sat next to you, blocking your view from Steve, gave your arm a squeeze as she clearly heard their conversation also.

Tears were starting to brim in your eyes; never feeling hurt like this before. Downing your fourth drink, you got off the stool and walked the few feet to Steve, tapping him on the shoulders.

Steve turned around, his eyes going wide as he took you in. "Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them" you declared as a single tear rolled down your cheek. Steve's mouth dropped, wanting to say something but you quickly turned on your heel, moving away from him and toward the elevator. You heard you name being called from behind you but you paid no attention, not wanting to be near Steve right now.

The elevator doors closed and that was when you truly lost it. The man you had been pining over, lusting over, said you were nothing but a sister to him. The past six months, hoping he would come around, was a waste of time. You decided enough was enough. Not only were you going to move on, but you were going to move on from the Avengers; you knew you couldn't be around Steve anymore with how strong you truly felt for him.

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