Steve Rogers-Pleasurable Punishment

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*Contains Smut

"That enough Y/N!" Steve growled at you from the front of the Quinjet where he sat in the passenger seat next to Clint. He turned to face you; your own scowl on your face.

The mission as a success so you weren't sure what crawled up your Captain's ass in this moment; other than you not being able to shut your mouth. Steve made a call, and not only did you argue against it, you flat out did what he demanded you not to do. He was pissed.

In theory, yes, you should have listened to him as you nearly got killed and he was the Captain of the team. But he was also your boyfriend and sometimes that didn't work out too well on the battle field.

The rest of the ride back to the Avengers Facility was considerably quiet as you glared at the back of Steve's head the entire time.

When the Quinjet landed, you were the first off, rapidly walking to your apartment you shared with Steve.

"Y/N," Steve called after you, but you were stubborn and didn't falter your steps. He called your name a few more times, his tone growing more angry each time. "HEY," he yelled, his hand gripping your arm to stop your movements.

"What do you want Steve?" you snapped back, eyes narrowed as you pulled your arm from his grip.

He stood tall in front of you with his arms crossed. "What the fuck was that back there huh? You disobeyed my orders and almost got yourself killed."

Shrugging, you looked to the floor before meeting his eyes with yours. "I made my own call." Hurt flashed across his face for a brief moment; guilt seeping into your bones. "Look, I'm sorry Steve. But I knew I could handle it."

Steve gave a deep sigh, shaking his head before turning his back on you. "I'm going to the gym to cool off," he replied without any emotion in his voice.

You stood there in the long hallway alone, feeling like even more shit than ever. It was the first time you had disobeyed him while on a mission. The anger radiated off his body when he initially yelled at you, for nearly an hour straight. But now, seeing the hurt in his eyes that you could have been seriously injured, made you regret your decision.

With a heavy sigh of your own, you made your way to the apartment and took a shower.

After nearly thirty minutes in the shower, scrubbing off the dried blood and grime from your body, you emerged in nothing but a towel. The moment you opened the door, you knew you weren't alone, but you had no time to react as Steve gripped your wrists in a vice like grip and tied them to the metal headboard; your towel coming off.

"What the fuck Steve?!" you screamed, trying to get your wrists free but it was no use; he was Captain America and knew how to tie knots.

"I know a little secret about you doll," he husked in your ear before giving your lobe a nibble. A gasp left your lips as you tried to wrack your brain as to what it could be. You watched as he took his shirt off, leaving him in only a pair of loose fitting sweatpants. As clean as he looked, you figured he must have taken a shower downstairs in the gym.

Steve sauntered over to his dresser and opened the top drawer. It was then that you saw what was in his hand and you had to clench your legs together at the throb from your core. He turned to around, a sinful look on his face as he saw you clenching your thighs together.

"'d you know?" you asked, your voice above a whisper as you stared at the feather in his hand.

"I pulled my rank and got Natasha to talk." You shut your eyes, remember a time when you and Nat got shit faced a few months ago as you told her how you had a tickle fetish.

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