Steve Rogers-Don't Cry

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It was quiet in the Avengers Tower as you tip-toed out of your room and into the kitchen, being as quiet as possible so as to not disturb anyone. You had spent the last two hours tossing and turning, not getting any sleep whatsoever.

In the weeks leading up to now, you knew today would come crashing down around you; you just didn't think it would start this early in the morning. Today marked the anniversary of your father, Phil Coulson's death. Every year around this time you always had a pretty rough day.

Filling up your glass with water, you took slow soothing sips; the water feeling heavenly on your already dry throat. Naturally, one of the reasons you couldn't sleep was because you had been crying so much.

Taking your sluggish body and red puffy eyes into the living room, you positioned the chaise lounge so you were overlooking the city; memories of your father coming back to you.

As much as you needed Steve right now, he just came back from a mission and you didn't want to wake him; you knew he would be exhausted.

You didn't know how long you sat there in the dark, your body illuminated by the bright city lights before Steve made an appearance. "Y/N?" he questioned as his feet padded towards you. You didn't even have the strength to turn your head to face him, it was almost like you were catatonic. Wet tears filled your face as you tried your best to sniffle them back.

"Don't cry baby" Steve said as he kneeled in front of you. He gently cupped your cheeks, his thumbs wiping away the wet tears from your face. "Baby what's wrong?"

Your relationship was still pretty new with Steve. He knew Phil was your dad, but you were pretty sure he didn't know that this was the anniversary of his death. You shook your head as your hands came up to hide your face; not wanting Steve to think you were weak.

"Hey...hey talk to me doll" his soft voice broke through your quiet sobs as he gently took your hands from your face.

Sniffling back more tears, you cleared your throat. " is the anniversary of my dad's...death" you managed to choke out before more sobs shook your body.

"Ssshhhh, come here sweetheart" Steve said as he coaxed you into his arms. He was now leaning up against the chaise lounge, you situated onto his lap as his arms wrapped around you, rocking you back and forth in comfort. You had always felt safe in Steve's arms, no matter the circumstance.

His hand rubbed up and down your back as he continued to sooth you. "You know you can always come to me doll. With anything. Doesn't matter the time of day alright? I'm here for you always" he whispered into the darkened room; his grip on you never faltering.

"You promise?" you hiccupped out as your head continue to lay on his shoulder.

"You have my word" he cooed into your ear, giving you a kiss on your head as he continued to rock back and forth.


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