Steve Rogers-Breathe

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Staring down at your hand, you can't help but smile as the simple diamond ring on your left ring finger glistened in the light shining through the curtains of the living room. Your smile grew bigger as you realized that your hand subconsciously began rubbing at your growing belly. Six months pregnant and engaged to Steve Rogers. Life was great.

Naturally, your father Tony Stark wasn't too happy when he found out his only child, only daughter, when he found out that you and Steve were dating behind his back, but eventually he came around. Of course it took a few hours talking to him about it; letting him know that you were a grown adult and could make your own decisions. In the end, as long as you were happy, he was happy.

Tony even helped Steve plan an elaborate surprise in Central Park to help pop the question. It was everything you could have asked for, and more.

You and Steve shared a cozy three bedroom apartment in Brooklyn. From all his stories he told about growing up, you knew Brooklyn was where he truly wanted to be, and to raise a family. And so here you sat, along in the living room, rubbing your swollen belly as you waited for Steve to come back from a mission with the other Avengers.

Putting your feet up on the coffee table, you aimlessly switched through the channels and settled in, getting as comfortable as you could. Your phone beeped from next to you. Unlocking your phone you noticed it was a text from Steve.

Steve: Heading back to the tower babe. I should be home in a few hours. Love you

You smiled as your heart skipped a beat knowing that he was safe and would be home in a few hours. "F.R.I.D.A.Y can you please pull up footage when they get back to the tower," you asked the A.I.

You tried to fight your father about installing the A.I into your apartment, but he wasn't budging. In the end, Steve even agreed, especially once you became pregnant. It would be ease everyone's minds to know that you had the A.I there for support if anything were to happen to you while they were out on missions.

"I'm sorry Miss Stark, but everyone has been back at the tower for a few hours now," F.R.I.D.A.Y said and even though you knew she was just a computer, there was a hint of sadness in her voice. Worry struck to your core as you stumbled to your feet.

"Show me Captain Rogers," your voice a near whisper. Steve never lied to you and you double checked the configuration on your phone; nothing out of the ordinary. He had definitely texted you just a few minutes ago, and it wasn't a delayed text. Your heart began to skip a few beats as you waited for the footage to appear on the television.

As the footage appeared on the screen, tears began to blur your vision; your feet stumbling backwards until your legs hit the couch. Your hand cupped your mouth, muffling your cries as you watched your fiancé and Sharon Carter making out behind a pillar in the garage. " this can't be happening," you cried as your hands clenched at the pillows on the couch.

You were unsure how long you were laying on the couch, your cries the only thing you could hear for the longest amount of time. As you opened your eyes, looking at the screen you noticed it was empty in the garage.

Pulling yourself in a sitting position, you heard the door unlock. Your eyes snapped towards the door, seeing Steve walking in with his shield as he quietly placed it on the floor. He looked up, smiling as he saw you but his smile quickly faltered when he realized the state of emotion you were in. He rushed to your side, worry etching across his face as he kneeled before you. "Baby what's wrong. Are you alright? Is the baby okay?" his words were rushed as he tried to place his hand on your belly, but you quickly pushed his hands away. "Y/N?" he asked confused.

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