Steve Rogers-Pranks and Tickles

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*Contains Smut

It was nearing Halloween and Tony Stark being the man he is, has been setting up scare pranks all over the tower, much to your disappointment. You didn't hate Halloween in the slightest; it was just the scare factor you hated about it.

All week long, Tony and some of the other Avengers were in on scaring people, especially you. And with Tony being the genius he is, he even has animatronic robots dressed in any horror costume around each corner ready to pop out and scare anyone.

You made sure to let Steve, your boyfriend, know how much distaste you had for all of this. "Seriously Steve, if I find out you were part in any of these scare pranks against me, you'll be in the dog house" you stated as demanding as possible, but of course it didn't come out that way; your voice squeaking just thinking about getting pranked on again.

"Oh come on doll, it's just all fun and games" Steve cooed into your ear as he hugged you from behind; his strong arms gripped around your front.

"Yeah yeah yeah" you groaned out as you leaned your head against his chest in comfort.


You and Natasha were walking the halls to the kitchen, both of you drenched in sweat from sparring each other for hours.

"You're getting really good Y/N. You should be proud of yourself" Natasha said as she wiped her towel across her face.

"Yeah, I managed to pin you once today" you joked out with a laugh.

"Ones better than none" Nat jibed right back as you smirked at her.

Your stomach grumbled as you neared the kitchen, the hours long sparring really worked up an appetite for you.

As you and Natasha rounded the corner, three tall figures in monster masks jumped out at the both of you.

"AARRRGGGHHH!!!!" you screamed, quite literally, bloody murder. Your throat immediately hoarse from how hard you screamed as you faltered back into the wall, falling hard on your ass.

Naturally, Natasha only jumped from the scare and that was it.

Opening your eyes, you were met with Tony, Thor, and Steve all taking their masks off as they doubled over laughing.

"That was...that was perfect gentlemen. Thank you for that" Tony cried out with ease; wiping away the tears forming at his eyes from laughing so hard.

You glared at them, long and hard before standing up on shaky legs. "I hate you right now" you declared as you pointed to the three men. "And you," you started to say as you walked closer to Steve, poking him in the chest, "are in the doghouse." With that, you turned on your heel and rushed to your shared bedroom with Steve.

Slamming the door behind you, you let out a loud groan. Your heart still pounded in your chest from the scare as you tried to take deep breaths, calming yourself.

Turning on the shower, you stripped yourself naked and walked into the walk in shower. The scalding hot water soothed your sore muscles from your workout regime, but it did nothing to calm your mind.

"Doll?" Steve asked quietly as he opened the bathroom door. "Can I come in?"

"No Steve, you may NOT come in" you growled out in frustration.

Steve let out a soft chuckle before coming into the bathroom anyways. "Sweetheart, it was just for fun. Plus, I thought it was just going to be Natasha. I had no idea you were with her. I'm sorry."

Even though he was apologizing and you could tell he was sincere about it in his tone, you weren't giving in. So, you decided to just keep quiet and went about your shower in silence.

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