Steve Rogers-Pretending

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*Contains Smut

When Nick Fury approached you to become a part of the Avengers, he didn't quite like your reaction. You had doubled over with laughter, clutching your stomach as your eyes glossed over with tears because of it. He had to be kidding right? When you were finished with your laughing fit, you had in fact seen, that Nick Fury was not kidding.

Wanda and Pietro weren't the only ones who survived Wolfgang von Strucker's testing; you did too. But your story was a different story than theirs. You didn't volunteer as a subject to be tested on. Nope, not you. You were kidnapped while backpacking through Sokovia.

Your home life was not very satisfying growing up, and when you moved out when you turned 18, things only got worse. Like most families, yours seemed normal on the outside, but it was not so pretty on the inside. Your parents were drunks and they loved to take out their anger on you, letting you know you were never good enough. From an early age, you had learned to build a wall around yourself to protect you. It got worse when you left, as guy after guy used and abused you too. You had decided to finally put your life into gear, and take charge. Instead of letting guys walk all over you, you made sure to not get attached, no matter how good looking or perfect they seemed.

Backpacking through Sokovia was somewhat of your way of finding yourself, and redeeming your life. But just your luck, Hydra kidnapped you, and tested on you like you were some kind of caged animal. You weren't in there as long as the twins were, and so your powers weren't fully developed all the way. Strucker's idea for you was to enhance your memory, so you could learn and understand things on a much faster rate. His other focus was to make you somewhat like Rogue from X-Men; being able to take on somebody else's powers. But the Avengers found out where Strucker was hiding and put a stop to everything before it could be completed.

You were still in Sokovia when Ultron tried to destroy it, and Captain America was the one who saved you. A month later, Fury found you and did his best to try and convince you to join the Avengers. You had to admit, he did a pretty good job, but you knew you weren't needed there. Your powers were only half developed; you didn't even know how to use them! It was actually Tony Stark who was the one that was able to convince you to join. Tony and his fucking mouth, using his big words is what hooked you. Your brain was craving knowledge, and well, Tony persuaded you.

It had been a smooth year with your transition into being an Avenger. You worked very closely with Dr. Banner and Tony that first year; they helped you to harness your enhanced memory and your mind felt alive for the first time. While your brain was properly function with so much knowledge, your eyes wandered a bit; particularly to Steve Rogers' ass. Damn, that man had a fine behind!


"OH FUCK" you screamed as Steve's hand found your throbbing clit as his teeth scraped against your exposed throat. Your body felt on fire; Steve's touch igniting every inch of you into flames. Breathy moans escaped your lips as his skillful hands pinched you nub, eliciting a cry of pleasure from your throat. His lips frantically seized yours, the kiss full of passion and want. Your tongues battled and intertwined as neither of you wanted to back down.

Steve's lengthy finger slipped into your soaking core and back out, smearing your juices around. His mouth left yours as he kissed down your chest and stomach, leaving a fiery trail in his path. The second his mouth found your nub, you jerked forward, wanting and needing more. Steve got the hint as he plunged two fingers into you. He found your sweet spot rather soon and you had to give him props for that. "Fuck Steve don't stop" you purred, your chest rising and falling at a rapid pace as you felt your release coming. He sucked hard on your button and it sent you over the edge, falling into a blissful orgasm. Your hands fisted his hair as you screamed his name over and over.

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