Steve Rogers-Sweet and Sexy

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Being an Avenger wasn't something you had ever thought would happen; but here you were, in the new Avenger Tower in upstate New York. Tony and Fury recruited you after they saw you sticking up for a young girl in the alleyway one night; all thanks to video surveillance.

You had trained mostly with Natasha, as neither of you were super human and only had your basic fighting instincts to go off of. The two of you were close, practically sisters, and she was the one to push you into the arms of Steve; literally.

She knew you had a crush on him. Not only was he drop dead gorgeous with those baby blue eyes and bulging biceps; he was smart to boot, even helping Dr. Banner in the medical wing whenever he wasn't physically training.

One night after gushing to Nat about how in lust you were with Steve, she took the opportunity to trip you in front of him and he caught you in his strong arms; the rest was history.

Naturally, being your boyfriend and the Captain of the Avengers, he was wary of you going on missions. It was like pulling teeth to talk him into you going on missions; what was the point of you being an Avenger otherwise?

You knew how strong he was just from watching him practice training; but you had no idea just how smart he had become. Apparently, along with his super solider abilities, he was also able to retain information quite easily. Bruce helped him study and he officially got his license to become a doctor; but he only practiced with Bruce at the tower.


"Comms, are we good to go?" Steve demanded as everyone placed their ear pieces into place.

"We are a go Cap."

"Good. Alright team listen up!" his voice exuded confidence and it made you tingle in just the right spots. "This won't be easy today. These guys have evaded us on more than one occasion. Y/N," he turned to look in your direction, "I want you to stay on the quinjet unless you are needed."

Your eyes grew wide as he spoke. "You have to be fucking kidding me Cap!"

"Hey! I'm the captain here and what I say goes. You stay on this jet or there will be consequences."

Pouting, you saw everyone gear up as you grumbled under your breath, "stubborn asshole."

"What was that Agent Y/L/N?" Steve asked as he placed his shield into the confines of his back straps.

"Nothing CAPtain," you remarked sarcastically. You knew there was no point in arguing with Steve; he was the captain and he always got his way.

Giving you a stern look, he turned his back to you as the doors open.


You paced the quinjet as you listened in on what was happening during the mission. It made you furious that you were stuck here, but you knew that if you went against Steve's command, then he would put you on house arrest for many missions to come.

"Cap! There's too many of them! I can't hold them off myself," Nat's voice echoed over the comms. It was all you needed to hear to rush out of the quinjet and into her direction.

"I'm coming for you Nat," your breathing was rushed as you ran as fast as your legs could take you.

As you saw Nat fighting off nearly a dozen Hydra minions, you took out your samurai sword, your trusty weapon, and began swinging your arms in the hopes of helping her out.

Natasha wasn't kidding when she said there were a lot of them as the two of you soon became swarmed by them all. Taking a deep breath, you looked to Nat as you both nodded your head, knowing that you had to go all for it.

Sweat began to bead at the back of your neck as you continued to raise hell with your sword; Nat kicking major ass by your side as she took down Hydra agents left and right. As Nat began to become swarmed with agents, you were left out in the open as one particularly large Hydra goon managed to get a hold of your right wrist, bending it backwards as you dropped your sword and screamed in agony.

"No more," he said in his thick accent as his fist connected with your jaw. You immediately tasted blood as he pinned you to the ground; his fist pummeling into your face and stomach repeatedly.

"Cap! They've got Y/N and I'm swarmed! She needs help!" Natasha's voice swam in your ear comm but at this point there was nothing you could do as this guy weighed at least twice your size. No matter how hard you kicked and wiggled, he won.


"How's my favorite patient doing?" Steve said as he walked into your hospital room at the Avengers tower.

With a heavy sigh, you replied, "Hanging in there. Face is still sore."

"You should have stayed put."

"And what Steve? Let Nat get killed? You damn well know I never would let that happen. She's practically my sister. I did what you asked. I stayed on the jet until I was needed, and Nat needed help."

"I just don't want anything to happen to you," Steve said with a sullen face.

"Hey, come here." Steve came and sat down on the bed with you, placing your chart on the chair. "This is who I am Steve. I'm a part of the Avengers now. I'm bound to get hurt here and there, but I can handle it."

"I just love you so much Y/N. If anything serious were to happen to you, I don't know what I would do."

It was the first time Steve said those three little words to you. A bright smile broke from your lips. "You love me?"

He returned your smile, nodding his head. "I do. So much."

"I love you too Steve."

He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to yourswollen lips. "But you are grounded." 

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