Steve Rogers-Training Session

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*Contains Smut

"When's the last time you trained Y/N? You used to top Nat in the training room. Now it's the other way around" Steve asked taking a large gulp of water; his face drenched in sweat from working out.

You snapped back rather quickly, "What's that supposed to mean Rogers?"

Steve gave you a wink which nobody noticed as he headed out of the training room, leaving you there with the other Avengers.

It was like that day in and day out. You and Steve bickering back and forth; it was the way you two flirted with one another and you thrived off it. From the outside, it looked like the two of you had a lot of animosity towards each other, but that was not the case at all. Steve knew you, deep down, and he knew you weren't the lovey dovey, holding hands kind of person. No, you liked to bicker and he loved to give it right back. It was just the way you two were.

Glancing around the training room, you saw Tony, Natasha, and Sam staring at you with wide eyes. "What?" you asked before storming out of the training center and up to your room.


"We have to do something about them" Tony pressed; his lips forming a tight line as he watched you storm out of the room.

Sam huffed out as he hung his head. "I know. Those two have been going at it from day one. I figured they would get along but I was wrong. They seem so hostile towards each other."

Tony pointed his finger in the air as he looked around the room. "I'm a genius!" he exclaimed before quietly mumbling to himself, pacing back and forth; Sam and Natasha exchanging equal eye rolls. "You guys know that new training room we are putting together? The one that locks from the outside so whoever is inside is stuck? Yeah...yep...I've got an idea!"


The next morning you awoke startled, F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice coming through the speaker in your bedroom. "Miss Y/L/N, sorry to wake you but Mr. Stark has requested you join him in the new training facility as soon as possible."

Rolling back over in bed, you groaned out into your pillow, "why me!!" With a sigh of frustration, you took a fast shower before throwing on some workout shorts, a sports bra and a tank top before heading down to the newest training room.

The doors opened on their own for you from facial recognition. Crossing your arms, you walked in with a scowl, looking around for Tony. You didn't see him, but you had to admit, the new training room looked mighty fine. It had state of the art weight machines, treadmills, an entire wall of mirrors, and really comfortable floor mats. You heard the door open and you turned to see who it was.

"Captain" you said with a smirk on your face; your muscles relaxing at the sight of him. He was wearing his workout pants along with a tight fitting t-shirt. Your heart started to skip as your mind became fuzzy with arousal just from the sight of Steve. A loud click startled you as you looked towards the door.

"Now that I have your attention," Tony's voice came over the intercom, "you two need to learn how to play nice. So for today, you two will be training in the new facility. Don't even think about trying to escape because it won't happen. It's locked from the outside. I haven't set up the cameras quite yet but I trust you two will work out your problems. I will be back to check on you in a few hours."

Turning to face Steve, you quirked your eyebrow as you gave him a grin. "They think we don't play nice together" you spoke sarcastically.

Steve shrugged back at you, his biceps threatening to tear through his thin t-shirt. Even though it was evident between both of you; the two of you neither did anything more than flirt. It took every muscle in your body to not jump Steve right here and now.

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