Steve Rogers-Be Careful

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Steve, your husband, came and told you excitedly yesterday that Bucky had been cleared to finally move into the new Avengers facility with the rest of you. Ever since, you had been cleaning up the small apartment in which you and Steve lived in inside the facility; wanting to make sure everything looked nice. You had a feeling that perhaps Bucky would be spending most of his time here in the apartment with Steve as he got acquainted with everything.

"Are you excited to meet him?" Steve asked you after you got done wiping down the small kitchen island.

Giving him a grin, you nodded your head eagerly. "Oh Steve, from all the stories you have told me about him, I'm ecstatic! Best friends, reunited after all these years, all the trauma you both have endured. I'm so happy you were able to find him, and that Tony was able to set aside everything that happened and let him move in."

Steve moved around the island to stand in front of you, his hands splayed gently on your hips as he leaned down to kiss you. "I love you baby girl" Steve whispered as he pulled back.

"I love you too Steve" you replied, your everlasting permanent smile gracing your lips. Steve made you so happy, and you were overjoyed with being his wife. You wanted nothing more than for his best friend to finally be here; you felt it would complete Steve's life and you just wanted him to be happy.


The next morning, Bucky arrived at the Avengers facility in upstate New York; bags in hand. Sam opened the door, greeting Bucky with a side grin before motioning for him to come in.

"Come on, I'll show you around" Sam said as he started the tour.

After showing Bucky around the main area where the living room and kitchen was held, he showed Bucky where his new room was; just a few doors down from your apartment with Steve.

"Hey, have you meet Y/N yet?" Sam asked Bucky as they entered his new room.

Bucky dropped his bags on the floor near the bed before turning to face Sam. "Not yet, but I'm pretty excited to meet her."

"Well, I'd be careful if I were you" Sam scolded, trying to hold back a grin he so desperately wanted to share.

Bucky's eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, not understanding what Sam had meant. "What are you talking about?"

"She's got Steve 'wrapped around her pinkie' and if she doesn't like you, Steve will kick you out of here" Sam declared, his hands going up to his mouth to hide his smile, not wanting to show Bucky he was joking.

Bucky scoffed at Sam's words, "Stevie wouldn't do that. Not to me."

At that moment, Tony walked by the door and Sam stopped him. "Trust me, ask Tony."

"Yes, please ask me" Tony chortled out as he stepped into the room.

"Isn't it true that Y/N has Steve wrapped around her pinkie, and if Y/N doesn't like Bucky, she'll get Steve to throw him out" Sam said as his back was turned to Bucky; giving Tony a look to make him play along.

Without missing a beat, Tony chimed in, "Oh boy does she ever. No offense Heavy Metal" Tony said waving his hand to Bucky, "She was like that with all of us. She would have tried to get Capsicle to kick me out, but, ya know, I own this place and all, so I was safe from her endeavors."

"We'll let you get unpacked. Steve and Y/N went out to get some food for dinner, they'll be back soon" Sam said as he closed the door to Bucky's room.

Tony and Sam walked further down the hallway before doubling over with laughter at their little prank they pulled on Bucky.


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