Bucky Barnes-Not Good Enough

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Why Tony decided to have a damn meeting at 8pm on a Friday night, you will never understand. For the past year, you had been Tony's personal assistant at Avengers Tower. While he tried to get you to live at the tower, telling you it would "make your life so much easier" you politely declined, not wanting to leave your quaint little apartment you worked so hard to buy.

Tony noticed you yawning for about the tenth time that night before finally realizing it was perhaps getting a bit too late. "Alright everyone, that's a wrap. I'll see you all Monday."

Gathering your notes into a neat pile, you stood up from your seat and almost fell back down; your ass had become numb from sitting for so long.

"Y/N" Tony started to say as he marched towards you, "Do you want me to have Happy drive you home? It's getting rather late."

Giving him a shy smile, you shook your head. "No, but thank you Tony. I can manage. I'll see you on Monday."

Since you went back to your office to gather a few more items before leaving, you were the only one in the elevator as it made its way to the first floor. Checking your watch, you noticed it was well after 11pm. Groaning, you tilted you head back until it hit the wall. "Maybe I should have gotten a ride home" you complained to yourself.

You scrolled through your phone, the elevator chiming to let you know you had reached your destination. Without looking away from your phone, you started walking forwards and rammed into a large brute chest; falling backwards and onto your butt as your papers scattered everywhere. "Shit" you cussed out, "I'm so sorry."

A metal hand came into view, helping you grab your papers off the floor and your heart stopped. There was only one man that you knew had a metal arm; your longtime crush Bucky Barnes, a.k.a The Winter Soldier. Being Tony's assistant, naturally you knew all the members of the Avengers; but Bucky always took your breath away, in such a delightful way. Because your shy ass had such a big crush on him, you never knew how to act around him; usually you just tensed up and you always scolded yourself afterwards.

"Th-thank you" you muttered out as Bucky handed you your papers as you took them with shaky hands.

He gave you a smirk, showing off his perfectly lined white teeth and your heart all but melted in your chest. Your face began to pulsate from the heat of embarrassment; quickly shuffling around him and out towards the door. "Thank you again" you blurted out as you turned to face him. In that moment, Bucky winked at you and you almost walked backwards into the door. "Did he really just wink at you?" your inner monologue squealed in delight.

Bucky was on your mind the entire walk home, as you naturally scolded yourself again for being a stuttering mess around him. He was so tall, handsome, dreamy and deathly strong; you just wanted those strong arms of his to wrap around your back as he held you close. You let out another groan as you knew it was another chance you passed up.

Turning onto your street, you saw a tall figure standing on the stoop of your apartment stairs. You slowed your pace as your heart started beating rapidly. As you came to, the figure casually walked down the steps and into view; the streetlamps illuminating him.

Your eyes went wide as you took in the man. "Bu-Bucky? What....what are you doing here?" you managed to say.

"In the least creepy way possible, I know where you live" he stated with a shrug; his hands in his front pants pockets. "It's late at night and I wanted to make sure you made it home safely."

Your mouth dropped open before quickly closing it; your shyness yet again getting the best of you as your mind couldn't think of what to say. "That was-that was really nice. Thank you. Goodnight" you quickly stuttered out as you made your way up the stairs, almost tripping a few times.

"You make me feel like I'm not good enough" Bucky declared with a mixture of anger and sadness hinted in his voice. You stopped dead in your tracks, your heart sinking at his words. Lowering your head, you turned your body around to face him before slowly lifting your gaze up to meet his.

Taking a deep breath, you knew what you wanted to say and you just needed some courage. "Come on Y/N, you can do this!" you silently praised yourself in a pep talk. "Would you like to come in....and talk?" you asked nervously as your hands fidgeted together waiting for his response.

A smirk crept over his face as he started to walk up the stairs. The two of you walked into your apartment building and up to the third floor where you apartment was; a surprisingly comfortable silence reaching between you two.

Opening the door to your apartment, you motioned for Bucky to enter as you shut the door behind him. Setting your stuff down on the counter, you saw Bucky walking around your small but quaint apartment, looking at the pictures and books on your shelf.

"Nice place" Bucky said as he turned back in your direction.

"Thanks. I had been saving for years for a place like this" you replied with blush tainted cheeks. Bucky was in your apartment and you were trying not to freak out. In all honesty, you never thought it would come to this.

Getting each of you a glass of water, you handed it to him before you both took a seat on the couch. Clearing your throat, you decided to ask something that was on your mind. "What....what did you mean when you said I didn't make you feel like you're good enough?"

Bucky nodded his head at your question before setting his glass of water down on the table; fully turning his body to face you.

"You're beautiful Y/N. You have such a bright and bubbly personality, but it seems like whenever I'm in the room, you shy away from me. I don't know if you are scared of me, or what's going on. But I like you doll, I have for quite some time."

Your eyes widened in shock, your mouth going dry as you did not expect him to say that. "You like me?" you croaked out in shock as you felt your face start to heat up.

Bucky chuckled at your response, "I do doll."

That was all the encouragement you needed, knowing he felt the same way about you. Slowly, you leaned in towards Bucky as he also got the hint, leaning in. Your lips touch his surprisingly soft ones in such a delicate kiss, it almost felt like you were kissing air. His metal hand came up to cup the back of your head just as yours wrapped around his neck.

As you were not a super solider, you needed airrather quickly compared to Bucky so you pulled back; taking in a deepbreath. Your eyes soon glanced up andgazed at his; the both of you breaking into bright smiles.       

Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes Imagines and One-ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt