Chapter 1: Let's Get This Party Started

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"Hey, Rails! Can I borrow those red skirts from your closet?" Melanie yelled from the other side of the apartment.

"Sure. Where are you going?" I asked her. I knew she's probably going to a party or to a club, and I was interested as to why she didn't invite me or told me anything about it.

"You asked me the wrong question. Where are we going?" Melanie yelled back, and I heard her footsteps, she was heading to our kitchen.

I live in LA, in an apartment with my besties Melanie and Celine. Sky and Taylor, our two other best friends, live in a different apartment near us. Together we make a group of five badass chicks.

"Uhm... Where are we going?" I asked her, and Melanie popped up next to me, squealing like a little girl.

"So, we're going to a club. I've heard there's a new band playing. Sky saw them one night. She said they were pretty good, even though she doesn't remember much. She was drunk, you know how it is with Sky, especially after a breakup or something," Melanie shrugged her shoulders, "Anyway, we'll go, and see them play and maybe meet some guys there, y'anno," she raised her eyebrows up and down and giggled, so did I.

"Okay, I guess I'll just have to get ready?"

"Yup. Be ready soon. The show starts at 9 PM, so we should be at Tay's apartment an hour before." Melanie told me, and I nodded instead of answering.

"Okay, I'll be ready."

I decided to wear a white crop top and high-waist denim shorts with fishnet tights and a pair of black, heavy boots. I decided to save my makeup and hair for Taylor, since she's the one who can do makeup and hair better than any of us. I put on some mascara and was ready to ready to go.

I walked into the living room, and saw Melanie watching TV.

"Hey, where's Celine?" I suddenly remember about her.

"Oh, she told me that she'll be there. She left about an hour ago with that Nick guy. I think things are starting to get serious between them." She turned off the TV and glanced at me.

"I hope she won't change, and she'll be the same Celine we all love. How does that guy look? I've never met him." I curiously asked her.

"Of course you haven't," I knew she meant it as a joke.

Sometimes I'm a bit moody. I admit it.

"You got a problem with me?" I asked her cocking my head to the left. Melanie looked a little scared. She knew what happens, when you make me angry, you know, sometimes I can be a little agressive. Though usually it ends with me grabbing a knife and running after someone, acting like I wanna stab them, but I'd never do that. iIsmiled and burst out laughing.

"Stop scaring me like that! You know it's easy for you to do it!" Melanie yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. By the way, you look gorgeous." I drew an oval in the air, pointing to her outfit. She was wearing a black, tight dress with no straps. She had jewelry around her arms and neck. It all looked expensive even though she probably got it for real cheap.

"Aw, thank you, I really tried, usually only Celine would wear something like this. And you look amazing too, I mean, you always look hot." Melanie giggled.

"That's so nice of you to say that!" I put my palm over where my heart is, "So how are we gonna get to Tay's? Can we take my bike, please?" I begged her to use my motorcycle, that I hardly ever used anyway, but at that moment I just really wanted to.

"My hair will be a mess," Of course Melanie tried to stay away from it. She's scared of almost everything, and she just likes to be safe, y'know. Well, her hair looked too good to ruin it, but it's nothing Taylor couldn't fix.

"No problem, Taylor will fix it. Now, let's go!" I waved my arm right in front of her face as I walked past her left side.

I grabbed the keys and Melanie locked our apartment. We ran downstairs and I sat on my bike. I put the helmet in her hands, they were shaking.

"Oh, come on. Don't be a pussy and just sit on the fucking bike! It can't be that bad!" I laughed. Melanie took a deep breath and quickly jumped behind me and wrapped her thin arms around me. I started the engine and we were ready to leave.


"Hello, bitches! Are you ready to burn down the world?" I yelled and then laughed, when Sky opened the door.

She grinned, "Always. Now, let's go to see Taylor, she'll freak out, seeing how you two look. Especially you, Riley," Sky pointed at me.

"Hey, pointing at people is rude!" I tried to slap her finger but she quickly pulled it away before I could do it, "A smart girl."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking dog," she yelled after me. I decided to stay quiet, I didn't want to fight her.

"Thank you!" Was the first thing Taylor said, when she saw me.

"Hey, Taylor, I'm fine, thanks, what about you?" I got an angry glare from Taylor, "I decided to save it for you, since you're much better than me."

I couldn't see her face but I knew she's smiling, "A smart girl."

"Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking dog," I mocked Sky. She shot me a look that told me she's about to kill me, but I still noticed the slight grin on her lips. I raised my hands, telling her I didn't mean anything bad by it.

"Sit still!" Taylor commanded me.

"Will do, ma'am."

When Taylor was done with my hair and makeup, I went to the kitchen and saw Sky opening a bottle of whiskey.

"Already drinking? Give it to me too." I begged her.

Sky took a sip from it and handed me the bottle, "Here you go."

"Thanks," I threw my head back and took a few sips from it.

"How can you just drink it?" Taylor walked in and looked down at the bottle of whiskey that I was holding in my hands.

I put it on the table, "Look who's talking," me and Melanie laughed.

"Not tonight. Definitely not tonight," Taylor chuckled and walked away.


We got there early so we decided we should get a drink.

"Hey, have you guys seen Celine?" Melanie looked around the place.

"Not yet. She must be here. At least that's what I think," I said as we walked to a spot in front of the stage.

Right when we got there, the crowd started to yell like crazy and five guys walked on the stage. The first one had a guitar in his hand, he was shirtless and he had curly, black hair. The next one was a skinny dude, with a cigarette between his lips, his black hair was falling in his face, kind of covering it. Then there was a very tall blonde, holding a bass. Then there was a shorter blonde with fluffy hair, and he sat behind the drums. The last one, as I guessed, was the singer, his hair was kind of red, and it was teased

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Celine, "Let's get this party started!" her screams sounded like whispers. I grinned at her and she smiled back at me. I turned around to see the stage.


Eeeek! I'm so excited!!! It's my first (but not the last one, I hope) GN'R fanfic!! I'm so, so sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, English isn't my language so if there are any mistakes, please excuse them.


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