Chapter 14: Five

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Taylor, fucking Taylor, is going on a date. She doesn't want to admit that it's a date but I know it is, a girl and a guy going to a club, isn't that a date?

"No way in hell I'm wearing that. I look like Riley now," Taylor looks at herself in the mirror.

Her brown hair was curled and was falling over her shoulders. She had a black tank top and red leather skirts on.

"They're not even tight, you can walk in them like a human and you have long beautiful legs so you should wear high heels. Oh," I looked over all the bracelets and necklaces that I brought with me, "Put these on too."

"Sky," she whined and gave me a worried look, "It's too much and you know it."

"No, no, no, it's not, he'll love it!" I answered and flashed her a smile.

Taylor cocked her head, "Who?"

"Steven, of course," I chuckled, "Taylor, he's a guy."

"Not everything is about men," Taylor instantly fought back.

"Well, yeah, but this time it is," I looked to the clock on the wall, "He should be here soon, it's 8,"

We waited for about 15 minutes and Taylor gave up but I made her wait a little longer until he finally showed up.

When I opened the door he immediatly apologized, "I'm so sorry, love, Axl and Riley spent the whole day together and they wouldn't leave the bathroom when I needed it and that's why I'm late, I hope you don't hate me and..." Steven rambled but Taylor interupted.

She laughed and then smiled at him, "It's fine, Sky kept me busy from trying to give up on you."

Steven gasped and acted like he's very hurt, "You wanted to give up on me?"

"Kinda," Taylor shrugged and stared at her shoes.

That was when Steven noticed what is she wearing. His eyes raked over her body.

"You look... beautiful," my job was done, he was stunned by her.

"By the way, I brought you..." Steven looked over his shoulder as a beast with a mass of black hair appeared in our doorway and stumbled next to me.

"Yeah, I brought you company because I didn't want you to be alone while Taylor's with me," Steven gave me an apologizing smile.

I made a shocked, terrified grimace, "Oh, no! You brought a beast to my apartment!"

Everyone except Slash burst out laughing, "Okay, kids go have fun and be good! Bye!"

"Yes, momma!" Steven waved at me energetically as he exited the apartment with Taylor.

I locked the door and when I turned around, a hand sneaked around my waist and Slash started kissing my neck.

"I-is this why you came h-here?" I asked but I wasn't sure if he heard it.

"Part of the reason," Slash pulled up his head to look at me. Surprisingly, I could see his eyes behind his hair.

"What would be the other part of the reason?" I asked curiously.

"Wanted to see you. As I said, you're just as beautiful as the skies, I guess that's why you're named Sky," I saw him smirking.

So he does remember. Wow.

Me being me, I decided to say with something rude, "Can't you come up with a new compliment?"

"I'll try, I promise," Slash chuckled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck when his lips found his way to mine.


The club was packed with people, I didn't like it. I grabbed Steven's hand so I would feel safer and I wouldn't get lost in the crowd. He turned around and stared at me for a moment. I smiled back shyly.

"Let's go to the bar!" Steven yelled through the noise.

I didn't want to drink but I didn't say anything to stop Steven.

"Jack Daniels for me," Steven ordered a drink for himself when we sat at the bar, "You want a drink?"

I shook my head, saying no.

"Oh, come on. For me," Steven begged and a few seconds later I nodded in defeat, how you could say no to that face?

The bartender gave us our drinks and we sat in silence, emptying our glasses.

"Wanna dance?" Steven suddenly asked.

I glanced at him, "Oh, dance. Umm... Okay?" I wasn't sure what to say.

Steven took my hand in his which made feel a little uncomfortable but I shrugged that feeling off.

Dancing with Steven was fun, he would make some silly but funny moves, making me laugh and I didn't trip over my own or someone else's feet which-in case you're wondering-has happened before.

"Didn't know you can dance," Steven told me when sat at the bar again.

I raised my eyebrows, "What can I say, I have four party animals as my best friends."

"Five," Steven corrected me.

I stared at him and breathlessly said, "What?"

"Five. Am I not your friend?" Steven asked me, acting hurt but you could see a smile tugging on the corners of his lips.

I breathed in relief and smiled at him, "Okay, five. I have five party animals as my best friends."

"Friends forever?" Steven reached out his fist.

Only a few seconds later I understood what he means. I smacked my fist against his, "Friends forever. If that's what you want."


This chapter is shorter than all the other ones BUT I LIKE IT AND YOU GOT A DOUBLE UPDATE SO SHHH.

Annnd I just started my rant book, it's called 'I LOST CONTROL' and you can find it in my profile if you're interested, bye.

- D

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