Chapter 9: Again

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I tried to not to sleep with Axl that night, but in the morning I couldn't stop myself and I couldn't stop Axl, in the first place. When I left the kitchen he followed me like a puppy and the rest is history.

It's stupid, it was almost a week ago.

I was sitting in my own kitchen now, staring at the bottle of Jack Daniels in front of me and trying to figure out if what happened was a mistake. Sure, I enjoyed it and stuff but the guys seemed somewhat friendly and I knew I'm not the only one who enjoys their company.

"What's up," Melanie plopped in the chair in front of me.

"Ugh," I groaned, not wanting to talk about myself, "So, how's Duff?" I smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"How would I know? He barely looked at me," Melanie pouted her lips, "He likes Celine, I don't blame him though."

"What makes you think so?" I chuckled. I couldn't put the two of them together.

"Who likes me?" Celine asked in the same time as I did.

Melanie sighed and grabbed the bottle of the burning liquor. I let out a cry as she took the bottle away from me. She took a sip from it and looked at Celine, "Fucking Duff."

Celine laughed, "Pfft, bullshit. He's hot and all but... nope. You know I like to test the quit waters," she winked and then took the bottle from Melanie.

"So, what are we gonna tonight? They're playing at Rainbow again," I already knew who are 'they'.

"I dunno," I shrugged.

Celine was drinking and she coughed, almost choking, "Since when do you say no to a chance to party?"

"I dunno," I repeated and shrugged again.

Melanie glanced up at Celine and put a finger to her throat and slid it across her throat as if she's cutting ir. It's the stay-away-from-Riley-if-you-don't-wanna-get-murdered-because-she's-in-a-bad-mood sign. I grinned at myself. Is it really that bad?

"Riley, you're creepy," Melanie stared at me with a blank expression on hee face.

"Nah. Just having fun," I grinned and quickly snatched the bottle of Jack Daniels out of Celine's arms. I tip-toed to the corridor and pulled on my boots and grabbed my leather jacket and when I left the apartment I yelled, "See you tonight at Rainbow, bitches!"


I was on the dance floor swaying my hips to the rhythm of 'Welcome To The Jungle'. God, I love that song. I felt the heat of other sweaty bodies surrounding me and when the song ended I made my way through the crowd to the bar.

I decided to have something stronger, "Vodka, please."

The bartender eyed me but moments later my order was in front of me.

I looked at the stage and smiled. Axl was swaying his hips but it looked kind of sexy, maybe it seemed like that because of the many drinks I've had.

Go on, blame it all on the alchohol, my mind suddenly spoke to me.

Since when do I speak to myself?

I shaked my head. I jumped off of the chair and went back to the dance floor.

When 'Paradise City' ended, I opened my eyes and saw a familiar mass of blonde hair. I fought my way to her and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Gotcha!" I yelled through the loud music.

"Riley!" Sky squealed in surprise, "We've been looking for you!"

As she said 'we' I saw three other familiar faces.

"Hey, there," I waved at them, "Want something to drink?"

"Don't you think you've had enough drinks for tonight?" Celine giggled and I stuck out my tongue at her.

"Then let's get Taylor drunk!" I suggested raising my fists in the air.

"Not a bad idea," Celine smirked and grabbed Taylor's hand. She shook her head, "Come on, we can get drunk together! You gotta live your life to the fullest!"

I squealed, and cling onto Celine's elbow, "Me too! I'm with you guys!"

Melanie and Sky looked at the each other and grinned. Melanie gently held out her hand and Sky slowly put hers on it and interwined her fingers with Melanie's. Those too are like sisters, they even look similar. The same blonde hair, short bodies and those evil grins. Damn, I've never seen it like that before. I giggled at myself and turned back to Celine.


The show was over and all five of us where drunk and by drunk I mean really drunk. We could barely stand on our own feet so we held onto each other trying not to fall.

Maybe it was just my imagination but I saw Axl looking at me every now and then. Once he got his bandmates' attention and he motioned to us. But maybe I imagined it, who knows.

The show and the crowd cheered. We cheered along with our hands up in the air. The guys walked off of the stage but we stayed at the bar. We begged for the bartender to give us more vodka but he just shook his head. We whined and pouted our lips but he didn't seem to care at all.

"Guys..." I slurred and we all laughed, "I think we-we should go," I raised my finger and left my jaw dropped but they all burst out in laughter and so did I.

"Fine," Taylor giggled and took Celine's hand. I was standing on my own feet now.

I tried to walk but I couldn't keep my balance.

Gravity sucks, I thought at that moment.

I closed my eyes and when I opened my left eye to peek at the floor that I landed on, I saw a mass of black hair right in front of me.

"You're safe now, doll," Slash said and it sounded like he's singing.

I shook off Slash's arm and put my feet on the floor.

"Why are you guys so drunk? I'm not even that drunk," Slash asked and chuckled. I glanced at the bottle of Jack Daniels in his hand and raised my eyebrow.

"I'm just getting started," Slash raised his bottle in the air.

I pointed at it, "That's how I got started today."

"Ah, looks like you already found them," I heard a deep voice, I already knew who it is.

"Yup. We saved Riley from smashing her beautiful face against the floor," Steven proudly said with a childish smile on his lips.

"I wish I was here for that," Axl grinned and locked his eyes with me, "So, wanna go backstage with us? We can get Izzy and Duff to carry you, 'cause you girls really don't look like you can walk."

I shook my head, "Nah-ah, I can do it myself. Watch me," I nodded and began walking. I couldn't keep my balance, just like before and I struggled to walk in a straight line. I felt a hand wrapping around my waist, "Fuck off, I can walk myself."

I slightly moved my head to see who is it. And, of course, it was Axl.

"I know," he smirked and pulled me closer to him.


Hope you liked it!

I kind of hate this chapter but I hate every chapter so just ignore me.

DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY, WHOOP, WHOOP!! I already have ten more chapters written and I just really wanna post them all at once but I know I can't.

- D

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