Chapter 16: Best Friends

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Riley, literally, threw me and Celine out of our apartment. She said that Axl's up to something and it's better if you leave.

After that I called Sky to see what she's up to and she told me that Taylor's going to the boys' apartment to see Steven and she was thinking to do the same. So me and Celine decided to go too. And that's where we're heading.

We knocked on the door and we were welcomed by Slash, standing shirtless in front of us.

"Hello, ladies," I could see his smile behind the mass of his hair and he let us in.

"Hey, bitches!" the next one to welcome us was Sky, she did it her in her usual way.

"I love you too," Celine laughed and we both hugged Sky.

"What is it that Axl has planned for Riley?" I have to admit, I was a bit jealous that she had someone who does something like that just to... make her happy, I think.

"A surprise. He's been talking about it all the fucking time!" Slash groaned next to me.

"I'm sorry, man. It must be terrible to listen to Axl talking all the fucking time," I patted him on the shoulder.

I took in the view in front of me. Taylor was laughing at something Steven said, Duff and Izzy were sitting near each other, smoking and drinking, Sky looked bored but lighted up when she saw Slash, I bet he only left her for, like, a minute.

Celine looked at the two guys drinking and laughing, I couldn't tell if she had her eyes on Izzy or Duff.

So that's why I asked her, "Which one?"

"You know the answer damn well," Celine answered me with a smile on her face, her gaze never leaving the one.

"Go, kid," I encouraged her and giggled.

"Okay, fine. And if you're drinking, don't get too drunk!" she warned me before walking away.

I looked over the room again and noticed that Slash and Sky have dissapeared which didn't surprise me at all. So I sat down where they were and grabbed a bottle of beer from the coffee table.

A moment later someone sat down next to me, turns out it was Duff.

"Hey!" I waved him with my free hand and gave him a weak smile.

"Hey, you bored?" Duff asked me and I laughed.

"What do you think?" I asked him back.

"Bored. Me too," he looked to where he sat before, "Those two are so annoying."

I laughed again, "It's just the beginning, I bet soon they'll be unseparatable."

Duff sighed and I could see the hurt in his eyes-but maybe I just imagined it, "Yeah, just like Slash and Sky, Riley and Axl..."

"And Taylor and Steven. This is one, big, cliché love story," I finished his sentence.

He chuckled, "You know, I always get the hottest chicks, how did I not get one this time?"

I let out dramatic gasp, "Am I not hot?"

Duff's eyes widened, "I-I mean, you-you're more of a... friendly type of girl if you know what I mean."

I giggled because of how nervous he seemed, "I know, I get it."

For a moment we sat in silence but it was more of a comfortable silence.

"What music do you listen to?" Duff broke the silence and interrupted my thoughts.

"Well, my favorite band is The Ramones, I really love them..." soon I was interrupted by Duff's girly squeal.

"Oh my god, Ramones! I love them so much!"

"Me too!" I yelled back.

"Let's be best friends!" Duff yelled and opened his arms for me.

I wrapped my arms his torso and I dropped the bottle of beer on the floor.

"Hey, you'll have to clean that up!" Duff told me when we pulled away from each other.

"This place is already a mess, I don't think I made it look worse," I laughed and looked over at Izzy and Celine.

I smiled at the sight. Izzy had picked up his guitar that was laying next to him when we arrived and he was strumming it and showing something to Celine. She watched him with her eyebrows knitted.

"Want one more beer?" Duff was now tovering all over because he was standing on his feet.



I stood in front of the mirror and thought if the black dress isn't too much. The top of the dress hugged my body very tightly, it had straps but the bottom was loose, the fabric was falling loosely, I wore a pair of black high heels that Celine gave to me as a gift on my last birthday. I thought about changing and actually I almost did it.

But it was already too late. I heard the door bell ringing, I ran to open the door.

I was greeted by a smiling Axl, "Hello."

He had dressed fancier then usual, maybe not but it seemed like that. He didn't have his hair teased up or a bandana wrapped around his head. He was wearing jeans which was a surprise for me. He just looked different overall.

"Hello," I smiled back at him, this whole thing of me not knowing what's going on excited me, I love it when people make surprises for me.

"I got you a... little something," Axl nervously said and pulled his arm from behind his back. He had a single rose in his hand.

Isn't that just cutest thing ever?

I giggled and took it from him, "Thank you so much. I-I'll go and put it into a glass or something."

I grabbed the first glass that I could find in the kitchen and quickly filled it with water.

"Okay, we can go now," I smiled and locked the door behind me.

Axl turned his head to me, this time he had that terrible smirk on his face again. In a swift and quick move he stepped in front of me and kissed me.

"You look beautiful," Axl told me and smiled.

I flashed him back my sweetest smile, "Thank you, I know that."

We got in a car which-I guess-was his and then he looked at me again.

"Umm... I guess we can go?" he said, well, more like asked.

I tried my best to not to laugh at how awkward we were both acting, "Yes, we can."


Everyone loves The Ramones, just like I do and just like Duff and Melanie do.

This is kind of a filler chapter and so on but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

- D

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