Chapter 23: The Rest Is History

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The bottle of beer in my hand was not what I wanted at that moment. I smashed it against the wall, the bottle shattered into many sharp pieces and the drink, that was in it no so long ago, was spilled all over the floor.

All the girls went to the studio. Except me and Melanie, she had to work. I refused to go, and I told Celine to just leave me alone. At first she didn't want to go, she wouldn't stop telling me, that she's my best friend, and, if I'm not going, she's not going either. But in the end I convinced her to go, telling her that I just need some time alone.

And that's how I ended up in the middle of the mess, that I made. There was that shattered bottle, there was a pack of takeout on the floor, I didn't feel like finishing it, so I just left it there. There were papers and other nick-nacks all over the place. The living room looked like an animal's habitat, I didn't mind it though, I didn't even have to go anywhere to find what I want. Except I couldn't bring my bedroom and the bathroom into the living room, which kinda sucked, because that would've been great.

Even though I told my friends to leave me alone, I waited for them to get back so I wouldn't be alone. So I sat in the middle of our living room, simply waiting.

After a while I heard a knock on the door. I looked up, hoping it's Celine or Melanie or both, but no one appeared in the doorway.

"Just open the door!" I finally yelled.

"I can't, I don't have the keys!" a man's voice yelled back, I couldn't understand who was it.

"Fine," I groaned and got up to open the door.

When I opened the door, I was really surprised, because I saw Duff standing in front of me. He seemed tired and a bit hangover.

"What are you doing here?" I slowly said the words.

Duff sighed, "Your Sky is a very stubborn person."

I laughed at that, "What did she do?"

"I had to leave the bar, where all my friends were, because Sky wouldn't let me drink," even though he seemed very serious about it, I couldn't stop laughing. Then he spoke in a high-pitched, "You drink too much."

I raised my eyebrows, "I think she's right."

"Ugh," Duff groaned and muttered something under his breath, "Anyway, your friends talked a lot about you and I heard you're alone here, do you have anything to drink?"

I chuckled and smiled, "Come in."

"Wow," Duff said, when he saw the mess in my living room, "Looks... interesting."

I shrugged and smiled, "Make yourself at home. I'll bring drinks."

And the rest is history.



"Aw, how cute!" I squealed, when I saw two of my best friends sleeping on the floor near each other in the most impossible poses. I also noticed the pieces of shattered glass everywhere. I knew it was Riley, who did it.

None of them woke up, no matter how loud I talked. The mess on the floor and several bottles on the floor told me they were drinking together.

I quietly walked to the phone and dialed in the numbers.

"Yes?" a voice said after finally answering.

"You should be here to see the view," I giggled.

"What is it again?"

"Riley and Duff are sleeping in the middle of the living room near each other, the floor is covered in many bottles of alcohol and there are pieces of shattered glass everywhere. Should I wake them up?" I described our living room and looked at my two drunk, sleeping friends.

"Well, if you do, then you should do it by spilling water all over them," Celine giggled on the other end.

"That's too evil," I laughed too, "But I could do that, yeah."

"Go on, I ain't gonna stop you. Except Riley is probably going to try and kill you," Celine calmly replied.

"Mhm, I think so too," I slowly said and smiled.

"Okay, I gotta go," Celine nervously said.

"What's happening?"

She chuckled, "Don't worry. But I really gotta go now, bye!" and with that she hang up.

I shook my head, trying not to think of what Celine has in her mind again.

"Goodnight, my adorable friends," I giggled and tapped on Riley's shoulder, "I'm going to sleep too."


Ugh, this chapter is so shoooort and I don't like ittt and I'm sorryyy heheh I haven't updated for almost a month?

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