Chapter 13: Let's Go Out Tonight

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"Hey, Tay, can you open the door?" Sky yelled as loud as she could from the kitchen where she was trying to find something to eat.

"Fine, I'll open the door." I groaned to myself. Besides, I didn't have anything else to do.

I unlocked the door and slowly opened it enough to see who is there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

Steven flashed his boyish grin and shrugged, "Axl said that Riley said that I should come and visit you guys."

"Okay, come in, I guess?" I said, I didn't know what else I could do.

"Looks like we have guests," Sky told me as she eyed our guest, recognizing his face and his wild blonde hair.

"Hello," Steven smiled a bright smile and waved at her very enthuastically.

"Hello," Sky mimicked his moves.

I rolled my eyes. I walked away and entered the kitchen and grabbed orange juice from the fridge.

"You want orange juice?" I asked when I heard footsteps right behind me.

"Yes, please," Steven popped his head next to mine and I giggled because his hair was tickling my cheek.

"Sorry, love," he pulled away.


"Don't be," I giggled again and poured juice in two glasses, "Here you go."

"Oh, thank you," he thanked me and smiled.

I sipped from my drink, trying to avoid eye contact with Steven.

"So, what do you want to do?" he broke the silence.

"Umm... Nothing?" I suggested the one thing that I've been doing all day long.

"Oh, come on, nothing is boring. We can do something fun!"

"Depends on what's your interpretation of fun," I answered and put my glass in the sink.

"Show me your room," Steven said, "Only if you don't have anything against it," he quickly corrected himself. I tried to hold back a smile because of how careful he was acting.

"Sure. I guess we don't have anything better to do anyway and actually I don't even understand why you came here in the first place," I rambled and headed to my room.

I left the door open and a few seconds later I heard a click.

"This is it," I waved motioning to the room around us.

"Wow," Steven nodded as he took in the view.

There's nothing interesting about my room. Yellow walls, the floor's covered with different carpets because-for some unknown reason-I like it when they're on the floor. There are things like bed and closet-basically, things that every bedroom has.

When Steven was done studying my room, he looked me in the eyes but I looked away and felt myself blushing.

"I'm sure there is something to do here," Steven said and then looked down at his feet, "What's with the carpets?"

"What's with them?" I nervously asked.

"Why is your bedroom floor all covered with them?"

"Oh," I bit my lip, "I don't know, really."

Steven laughed, "I think it's kinda cute."

I looked at him confused but he wasn't looking at me anymore, he was heading to my closet.

"Can I?" Steven stopped right in front of it and looked at me over his shoulder.

"Well, yeah, I guess, there's nothing interesting in it anyway," I shrugged and stood next to him.

Steven opened my closet and looked inside of it.

"Do your friends ever come in here?" Steven seemed shocked. Then he grabbed a pair of my favorite denim shorts, "I bet they could turn this into something sexier."

"Steven!" I squealed in shock, how he could he say that to me?

"What?" he laughed and turned around to look at me, "I'm a guy, after all."

I shook my head and looked away from him.

"You know what we can do?" Steven broke the silence. I glanced up at him and raised my eyebrows, "We should make pancakes! And we should it together!"

Steven seemed so excited, he had that smile on his lips and a spark in his eyes and he just looked so happy and I couldn't say no.

"Yey!" he jumped closer to me and threw his arms around me.

It was unexpected so I just stood there uncomfortably for a moment.

"Oh... Uhm, sorry..." Steven pulled away.

"It's fine, really, it was just, really... Really sudden and unexpected," I tried my best to give him a warm smile.

"Okay, let's go and make those damn pancakes," Steven made a serious face and I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" he looked at me confused.

"They're just pancakes," I answered.

"Taylor, don't say that!" Steven said as if I've said something really bad.

"Okay, I won't," I promised and followed him to the kitchen.


"You know," Steven said with his mouth full, "When you cooked these alone, they were better."

"First of all, don't talk with your mouth full," I pointed at him with my fork, "Second of all, it was your idea to cook these stupid pancakes, you know I would've made them anyway if you asked me."

"Taylor," Steven whined as if I'm a stupid kid, "What's the fun of that?"

I stared at him, then shrugged and looked down at my dish.

"Have you ever went out without your five girly best friends?" Steven asked me.

What a stupid question, I thought.

I shrugged innocently, "I don't think so."

When I looked up at him, Steven smiled, "I have an idea. Let's go out tonight! But just the two of us!" his eyes sparked.

I sighed and bit my bottom lip, "Okay."

"W-what?" Steven seemed shocked.

"Okay," I repeated and smiled at him.

"Yey!" he squealed like a little girl, "Let's get you an outfit!"

"Nah-ah, leave that to me. See you tonight, come here again at 8 PM, bye!" suddenly Sky came back from nowhere and interupted us, she grabbed Steven's hand to lead him to the exit.

I sat down on my bed, waiting for Sky to come back. She came in, opened my closet brutally attacked it.

"Oh, Taylor, Taylor," she muttered before disappearing again and coming back with a pile of clothes from her own closet.

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