Chapter 17: You Do?

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The ride to the mysterious place was quiet. The radio played music and now and then Axl would quietly sing along, I found it adorable. His hand was on my tigh the whole way so I tried not to move a lot. Overall, Axl seemed very calm and... I don't know, happy? It was different but I liked it.

When we arrived, I saw it was a restaurant.

"Ta-da! This is our first stop tonight!" Axl excitedly announced to me.

I stared at the building, "So, this is our first stop?"

Axl's expression changed from excited to confused, "Yeah, what is it? If you don't like it, we can go somewhe..."

I interrupted him with a laugh and then said, "No, no, it's okay. It's just that, I don't know, I don't really go to places like this."

"Well, when we're together, we spend majority of our time... doing some other things, y'know, so I thought we should go out, do all the shit that regular couples do. I just hope we won't end up destroying everything," Axl said and grabbed my hand.

I laughed, "Me too."

There was one thing that bothered me about what Axl had said. He said "do all the shit that regular couples do", does he think we're a couple? We've never really talked about it.

Our dinner at the restaurant was really fun, we didn't know what to order and them we had a lot of fun trying to pronounce all the weird names in the menu. When the waitress left, Axl cursed at her because he didn't like her for some reason, then we played footsies under the table (how childish) and I'm sure I'll have bruises because the fight was brutal. We talked about this and that, joked and teased each other a lot. As I said, it was a lot of fun.

And unfortunately, we didn't destroy anything.


"So, this is our second stop?" I asked Axl when we got out of the car.

"Yup," he shortly answered and we began walking down to the beach.

It was beautiful there at night, I've never been there at daylight though but the moonlight was bright because the sky was clear.

We sat down on a broken tree that was laying on the sand. I was really careful and tried to not to ruin my dress.

I was looking at the horizont and I could feel Axl's eyes on me but I didn't turn my head to look at him. Then I heard him moving closer to me. He laid his head on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes and groaned, "Hm, I wanna sleep."

Axl chuckled and looked up at me, "You really thought you're getting any sleep tonight?"

I rolled my eyes, "It depends on where our third stop is."

I knew he couldn't last a day without that terrible smirk, "My place."

I sighed and thought for a moment, "How about we do it now?"

Axl laughed but the thought seemed to interest him, "I like that idea. But if you're doing it just so you could sleep tonight, it's not gonna work."

"But what if I just go home?" I was wondering even though I didn't even think about doing that.

"Then I'll lock you in my room and I won't let you out," he smirked and tugged a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"It's called kidnapping," I told him trying to sound serious.

"Oh, really? I didn't know that," Axl cocked his head and I laughed, "I thought we could sit and talk, didn't think you'd have such bad thoughts in your pretty little mind."

I had a feeling that would come, I raised my eyebrow, "Well, if you wanna talk, then talk."

For a moment he just stared at me but then he leaned closer and cupped my cheek, "You know, I really like you."

I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes because I knew he's being serious, at least he looked like he is, "You do?"

"Mhm," he nodded.

Axl looking straight into my eyes when he was so close was weird, I mean, I never really just stare into someone's eyes-I've always thought it's kinda creepy and I could never understand how people could do that in the movies-but this time I didn't break eye contact.

These situations have always scared me, I always feel the urge to roll my eyes or I just say something sarcastic or rude.

For a moment it looked like Axl's about to say something else but I didn't let him, I pressed my lips against his. He pulled me on his lap and my knees were on both of his sides. He started leaving a trail of kisses on my neck.

"You know, I-I've never had sex at the beach," I slowly said between our kisses.

Axl laughed against my neck, I pulled away and started laughing too because his breath was tickling me.

He smirked at me, "Well, you're about to have the best sex at the beach ever. So get ready."



"Oh, here they are!" everyone cheered when Axl and Riley walked into the kitchen.

All five guys and me and my best girlfriends were in the kitchen now. It was funny to look around and see all of us together. We all knew Axl and Riley would end up together, it seems like that guy really likes my mean best friend. Sky and Slash together are just adorable. Yesterday Slash got pretty drunk and he kept telling Sky the same compliment again and again until he finally shut up because we promised to kill him if he doesn't. Unlike everyone else, Taylor didn't drink at all last night and that's why Steven didn't drink too which was a huge surprise to us. Melanie got really drunk with Duff which was really fun because they were singing and telling stupid jokes all night long. And I got the best guy in this universe, Izzy Stradlin.

I'd say we're really lucky. I don't how long this is all going to last but for now everyone's happy.



And if you want to tell me that Izzy Stradlin isn't the best guy in this universe, I'll find you and when I will, I will kill you

- D

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