Chapter 3: Hey, Celine

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The backstage had two big couches, a small table that had several bottles of alcohol on it and other stuff in it.

The guys sat down right when all my girls except Celine walked in. We had a group hug, then we heard someone yelling, "Aww, a group hug, wait for me!" I saw a pile of blonde hair that joined our hug, it was Steven. We all laughed.

"Okay, okay, I don't wanna get all emotional and stuff, would you mind if I..." I tried to loosen Melanie's grip around my back.

"Yeah, feelings are the one thing you can't stand," I quickly turned around and Celine was standing in the doorway.

"I gotta admit, you're damn... Wait...W-what? How did you get here? And where's Nick?" me, Melanie and Sky asked at the same time.

"Calm down, girls," Celine laughed, "I saw you coming here and it wasn't that hard to find the way. And Nick left. He got a little... Mad."

"About what?" Taylor finally spoke.

"I saw you coming here and I thought I'd come with you. I spend a lot of time with him anyway, so I thought it wouldn't be bad if I spent a night with you and then he got really mad and said some stuff. Like, if I don't come with him, he'll break up with me and I'll pay for doing it and blah, blah, blah. Lately he's been trying to... I dunno, control me, I guess, like, yelling at me for nothing. It got really annoying," Celine paused and then added, "Besides, I'm too good for him anyway."

I raised my hand and she gave me a high-five, "That's my girl," then I lightly punched her shoulder.

We got completely lost in ourselves and we forgot where we are. Someone coughed and we quickly turned around.

"Okay, now, when all of you are here, we can have a drink maybe?" it was Axl.

"Yeah, I really need one," I walked to the table and I heard other girls quietly say something like "yes" and "me too".

I sat down on the couch next to Slash and I saw Melanie walking to me but Axl sat next to me so she had to sit next to him instead.

"So, I have to admit that you're a pretty good dancer," Duff said and took a sip from his glass.

"I didn't even know what I was doing," I laughed, "And a tiny bit of alcohol always helps me... rise up a little," I drank the beer from my bottle, I was so thirsty and it felt like I haven't had a drink in ages.

"Wow, slow down," Slash took the bottle away from me.

"Hey! I was just thirsty! And dancing takes away a lot of energy," that was the best excuse I could come up with at the moment.

"And now you'll use your performance as an excuse for everything you do," it felt like he knows what I'm thinking.

Well, this time I was thirsty for real. Not that I wanted to get really drunk.

"Whatever you say," I gave up and glanced at Taylor and Sky, who were still standing there awkwardly. Celine already took a seat next to Duff.

He saw me looking at them, "Come, sit down. There's enough space."

Sky jumped right next to Celine and Taylor sat on the same couch but she tried to sit as far from everyone as possible.

I looked around the room but Steven and Izzy were nowhere to be seen.

Right when I thought of them, Steven came in the room. He ran around the couches acting like an aeroplane, I guess, because of the sounds he was making and then he finally sat down right next to Taylor. She looked a little intimidated, but didn't say anything. Izzy sat next Melanie, not paying much attention to what we were doing.

Then Steven turned to his left to look at Taylor, "I'm Steven," he smiled from ear to ear.

Taylor laughed and all she said was, "I know."

They both stared at each other for a while. Then Taylor blinked and shook her head a little, "I'm Taylor," her lips formed into a smile.


There was an awkward silence after I said my name, I didn't know what to say.

Then Steven looked up at the ceiling and stared at it for a while.

"Are you okay?" I felt a little scared, because he stared at the ceiling as if it's something special.

"There's a fly. You see?" he pointed to a little black spot.

I nodded, but wasn't sure if he saw it.

Suddenly Steven jumped off of the couch and ran back and forth with his hands in the air, acting like an aeroplane or a bird just like before. Then Melanie got up and started doing the same thing. I felt too confused to actually understand what's going on. It all got weirder when Sky followed Melanie. It sounded like there are bees in this room, it was filled with bzzz's from three different corners of the room. I covered my ears to avoid the noise and once it sounded like they were done with flying, I lifted my head to see that everyone was staring at me.

"What?" I raised my hands in the air. Everyone quickly looked away.

Steven sat down next to me again. He was breathing heavily, as if he had just ran a kilometre.

"It's not that bad," I poked his shoulder, suddenly feeling playful. The guy next to me just seemed so happy all the time, so free and he just did whatever the hell he wanted to do, he made everyone laughed and always had a warm, welcoming smile ok his face from what I've seen.

Which is exactly what I've always wanted to be. But instead I'm a shy girl (not around my girls) who doesn't speak a lot. It takes time for me to start trusting someone, not that something has happened in my past, that made me like that, but it's just always been like that. With the girls it was much easier. When I get drunk, I'm wild. Before I met my girls, I knew Sky, she was working at the same bar as me and once she went to the bar on her free day with three other girls, Melanie, Riley and... Fuck, don't think about her. Anyway, they got really drunk and when my early shift was over Sky wanted me to spend some time with them. I thought why not and ended up more drunk than ever before. That night we also met Celine, her boyfriend broke up with her that night and she just walked to our table, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and drank what was left in it. To be honest, I don't remember the rest.

But this bubbly guy looked like he ment no harm to me and he just wanted to be friendly.

Then I did the most dangerous thing ever.

I grabbed a bottle of beer and started drinking. I heard Riley whistling in the background, they all knew what's going to happen.

"This is gonna be fun," I put down my bottle and glanced at Celine, who was smirking at what she had just said.

"It won't be as bad as that night," I answered her and pouted my lips. We've gotten drunk together a lot of times but that one time was the worst one. It was the first-and I hope the last-time I've ever gotten really drunk.

All the girls laughed, but the guys were staring at us with a confused look.

"Long story," I said, looking at Axl's raised eyebrow.

Slash clapped his hands and everyone immediatly looked at him, "Oh, that was quick. Anyway, let's play a game."

"Well, this is gonna be fun," the tall blonde put his elbows on his legs and put his head in his palms, "So, who's gonna tell them the rules?"


Hope you liked this chapter!

- D

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