Chapter 25: Let's Do That!

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"Well, he can be a nice person, but I feel like he just has serious anger issues." Riley shook her head.

"Says the one." I smirked at her.

"Hey, shush! It's just my... personality. I'm... not like Axl." she tried to fight back.

"Yes, yes."

"Yes!" Riley yelled.

"If you say so!" I raised my hands in defense.

"Well, okay." Riley slowly replied.

"Yes, yes."

"Celine!" Sky suddenly yelled.

"I'm here!" Celine looked up.

"How's it goin'?" Sky asked her.

Celine narrowed her eyebrows, "Good. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Sky replied with her mouth full of food.

"Hey, don't talk while you're eating! Your parents should've taught you that!" Taylor yelled at her.

"Actually, they did, I just never listened." Sky replied and shrugged.

"Well, nowadays you never listen either."

"I do!"

"You don't!"

"I do!"


"But it still counts."

"Okay, fine, it does." Taylor finally gave up.

"Who wants a drink?" I asked a moment later.



"Guys, I need help!" Celine yelled, as she opened the door. Riley and Melanie were walking right after her.

"What's going on?" I stood up from the couch.

Celine explained her situation, "I'm going out with Izzy tonight, and I need help, like, now."

I heard someone behind me clapping their hands, I knew it's Taylor, she was always excited to do someone's hair or makeup - she was the best at it.

"Well, congratulations!" I yelled in excitement

"I'm not pregnant."

"Who knows."

Taylor interrupted our conversation, "Where exactly are you two going?"

Celine sighed, "I don't even know."

Melanie finally spoke, "We already went through our closets, we brought some clothes that were fitting."

"Interesting, interesting." I slowly nodded my head.

"Well, let's get to work then."


We called Izzy and told him to not to go to Celine's place, but come here instead, so he showed up at eight, looking cleaner and more human-like, than he usually did.

Celine was wearing a similar look to the one she was wearing the night we met the Guns.

Izzy saw his girlfriend standing in front of him, "Celine..." he groaned, "You... look stunning."

Celine gave him a bright smile, "Oh, thank you!"

Melanie giggled, "Aren't they the cutest?"

"Oh, shut up," Celine said with a goofy smile on her face.

"So," Izzy reached out his hand to Celine, "Let's go, m'lady."


The phone rang and Taylor picked it up. She talked for a good ten minutes, I assumed it was Steven, she didn't really have anyone else to talk to for that long besides us, her girlfriends, and no one had time to talk to Taylor over the phone for hours anyway. Besides, none of us could make her giggle for like ten minutes nonstop.

"Sky! There's someone who wants to talk to you!" Taylor yelled, I got up from my bed and walked up to her, grabbing the phone.

Taylor smiled and left to go to the kitchen.

"Hello?" I sighed and said. I knew it's Slash.

"Gooood morning, babe," he said with a happy note in his note.

I chuckled, "It's like half past two, it's far from a morning. Did you wake up late or are you drunk again?"

"I thought you woke up late," he replied.

I just rolled my eyes, assuming he's drunk again.

"Did Taylor tell you that?" Taylor turned around as she heard her name being called, and I squinted my eyes as I was looking at her, but I couldn't help but smile, "Just so you know, I actually woke up early today."

"I just thought so and that's all. Uhm, do you wanna hang out today?" Slash asked as if he was unsure whether it's a good idea to ask that or not.

"Yeah, why not."

"Okay, I'll come by your place? We're gonna have some time alone, y'know, since Taylor's coming here, which, uh... Yeah."

"Is Taylor going to your place?" I said that louder, so Taylor could hear it too. She looked at me and nodded slowly, "Maybe I can go with her? We can all hang out together, ya know."

The other end was silent for a moment, then he said, "Yeah! We'll be here waiting."

"Okay, good, see you later!"

"Bye, bye!" Slash said and hang up.

I sat down on the couch next to Taylor and shrugged, "Guess we're going to the boys', but first - and most importantly - we gotta call Riley and Melanie."

Taylor nodded and smiled, "Let's do that."


Ugh, I'm very sorry for not updating for almost three months!!!

As it keeps getting harder and harder for me to actually come up with new events that could happen in the book and in my opinion this book has enough chapters in it, it may not be that interesting, but still. So I'm actually gonna finish this book soon. This is more of a filler chapter, before bigger things happen. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you'll like the stuff I put up in the future!!

Oh, and thank you all for reading this crap!!!!???? This book has reached almost 2,5 K reads!!!! Never did I ever think I'd go out there and write a fanfic that this many people will end up reading, y'all are insane. And thanks to everyone who has supported me and written nice comments everytime I update, it really means a lot to me :)

Okay, see you in the next update!!

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