Human or Demon

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Hours ago~

Dante POV:

I had woken up and the phone had rung for another job to be done. Once I spoke with the client I went to my weapons closet to get some ammo and I saw (Y/N)'s devil arms and some of mine gone. I closed the door and saw that Sparda was missing as well.

Dante: What did you do this time?

I run upstairs and went to (Y/N)'s room and it was empty except for his dog lying on his bed. I closed the door and went back down and I saw Trish.

Dante: Trish!

Trish: Dante? What's wrong?

Dante: (Y/N) isn't here and he took some of my devil arms and left his.

Trish: What?!

Dante: Have you seen him?

Trish: No I haven't, maybe the girls or Nero have.

Just then the girls came down.

Akeno: Is everything alright, I heard you yelling Mr. Sparda.

Dante: It's (Y/N), I think he's gone somewhere dangerous.

Akeno: I'll call Rias and the other's.

Time skipped~

I was in the Living room with Trish and (Y/N)'s friends.

Rias: So he took some Devil arms and the sword used by your father and left without a trace.

Dante: Yes.

Issei: That doesn't sound like (Y/N) to do something like that.

Kiba: I'm with Issei on this, (Y/N) wouldn't go anywhere without support.

Akeno: Issei, Asia was anything strange happening to (Y/N)?

Asia: No I don't think so.

Issei: No not- wait, in class.

Rias: What?

Issei: Just yesterday (Y/N) doze off and didn't do anything in class, he even didn't answer the teacher's question. But I saw him doodle in his notebook.

Rias: Rosswiess can you check in (Y/N)'s bookbag and bring his notebook.

Rosswiess: On it.

She left and then came back in a couple minutes with the notebook. She handed it to me and I skipped threw the pages and stopped at one page. I saw three eyes, the same eyes I once saw.

Dante: Mundus.

Everyone: What?

Trish: How, didn't you seal him away.

Dante: I did, but it seems he's about to break free.

Issei: Who's Mundus?

Rias: Mundus is a demon Lord that was king of all demon's. He was sealed away by (Y/N)'s grandfather, Sparda.

Kiba: Demon Lord?

Dante: Yeah, he's one tough son of a bitch. He wants to kill (Y/N) then me.

Xenovia: Why?

Trish: Because, Mundus wants to get rid of every Sparda blood and rule over this world and the demon world.

Issei: Then we go and help him.

Dante: You don't know what kind of challenger you're going up against, Mundus isn't some chump that's easy to beat. No, he plays for life and death.

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