I love you too

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Authors note- thanks for the 20-30 people who are actually reading my stuff it means a lot .... love you all and if you have any ideas for this story please comment them .... thanks

The suns beam was displayed on my cell walls.i had been here for two weeks now but it was still the best thing here... well besides the elisha... I swung my legs off of my bed and I pulled Beth's old boots from under my bed and I slipped them on. in here, hand me downs were the only thing your gonna get unless you ask for some when everyone's on a run but no one was going until Daryl and the others got back. He had been gone a week and no one had heard from him, he could be dead for all I know... I pulled my thick long hair into a pony tail and I looked in the mirror making sure I looked okay.

"Morning small bean" I looked at the door and watched as a tired Glenn came over. "Morning, how long is it till me shift" he looked down at his pocket watch and wiped off the dirt "you've got five minutes, Carl's already gone up" Carl's already there... bull crap, he's always late if anything "yeah I know I was shocked to... he said I could go early"  I picked up my mm7 hand gun and slipped it into the holster before picking up my favourite thing in the world ...my metal bat. "I'll see you later Glenn, get some sleep" "see you later brogan" he started walking to his cell... I looked at the top bunk and I pulled the blanket over her shoulders to make sure that she was worm enough... I gave her a delicate kiss on her for head and I started walking to the tower.

I loved taking the morning shift, not because it meant that I had to sit with carl... well he isn't that bad, it was the sky... every morning I would get up early just so I could watch the orange fight off the dark blue, plus I got a perfect view of the sun towering over the trees that surrounded us."hey carl" I walked up the steps and looked at the long haired boy leaning over the balcony. He's usually late so he never gets to see the sun rise "now I know why your always early" I let out a small laugh before putting my bat down and leaned against the railing with him. "Why were you so early" he started looking down over the balcony at everything "just a bad dream" i got some rice cakes from the box on the side and started scoffing on it "what happened" he took the rice cakes off of me and started eating them as well "when we first got here my mom went into labour, she gave birth to Judith and I had to shoot her... but in the dream" "you didn't kill her did you" I could see his eyes watering up a little and I placed my arm around him... carl was like my best friend at this point... he was my age so he knew what it was like being a kid forced to grow up to early, plus he wasn't always extremely hyper all the time, he was pretty chill which in my opinion was pretty great.

"What about you? Aren't you normally up like... earlier then this?" I couldn't sleep most of the night, I just felt really tired, not as in sleepy tired I mean the excruciating tiredness that sleep couldn't fix "yeah but I had to clean my shoes" he nodded at me and we both looked out at the fields of grass. "Can you hear that" I must have been death or something because I couldn't hear a thing for a while " it's a car engine" Daryl !!!!!! I watched eagerly as the car door opened, it was just michonne, I had met her last week when she brought some stuff to us... she told me he was going to be back soon so I'm hoping that's today. "Don't worry he'll be back soon" he gave me a sweet smile before we both ended up in silence.

"I don't see why I worry so much, he doesn't even want me here" He followed me back into the inside of the tower and we both sat down "that's a compleat lie and you know it" I grabbed a rice cake from the box on the side and started eating " he doesn't even talk to me" he grabbed the rice cakes out of my hand "Judith doesn't talk to me but she loves me... I hope" I chuckled a little, on a serious note though, Daryl barely spoke to me, ever since he saw elisha he wouldn't talk to me when I was with her, he barely said a word to her, it's not her fault that he doesn't talk to her... "he doesn't even speak to elisha either" I scoffed down the rice cake and I started messing with the Handle on my bat "listen, when Judith was born rick didn't hold her or say her name for weeks.he hated the fact that my mom was dead and she was basically the reason why, but he wouldn't trade her for the world" carl always knew how to make me smile "she'll grow on him sooner or later, she already has for everyone else"

"Hey brogan can you come help with the supplies" I heard michonne shout me from the bottom from the stair case, so I put down my bat and made my way down the stairs. There was more then we usually had. "You got it?" She passed me a box and I made my way into the kitchen area "I got you something" I stopped before I walked in, I peered around the corner and watched as a crouched down Daryl was giving my girl a little red box. "What is it?" She carefully took it out of his hand "open it"   I saw her face glow up and she quickly hugged him, he didn't react for a moment but he slowly put his arm around her "love you uncle Daryl " my heart melted "I love you too sweet heart" I felt my heart sink into my mouth as he tied a bracelet around her wrist... he still cared

Listen okay I know she's only just got to the prison but I need to get to the juicy part so I'm gonna skip a bit.... in the next part it's gonna say everything that's happened...your gonna have some more stuff with Beth showing character development and there's going to be the sickness thing that people die from.... I just don't want to spend time on lots of non major characters because I'll have to change the way I've planned everything.... 😐 sorry 😐

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