What was it all for

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I loved this place... I know it's a prison where murderers and bank robbers have slept and died but that didn't bother me anymore. "Morning mommy" i opened my eyes to my little girl sitting on the floor next to where I lay my head "morning  hunny" I patted the bed for her to sit down which she did. Then I gave her a quick hug "have you already eaten?" She shook her head which made her pony tail swish in her face "let me just get my shoes on and I'll take you down okay"

Elisha was usually up first on days where I dint have to be on shift, but by now she had already eaten, I tied my shoe laces and we made our way outside... the weather was great, worm but not to worm and breezy but not to windy. "Hey brogan" I walked over to the table where everyone was sitting at, I must have been the last one up "hey Beth" she gave me a quick hug as she hadn't seen me in a few days, Daryl took me on my first run and it wasn't that bad, he even let me ride on the back of his mother bike "I missed you" I looked over my shoulder and I noticed carl rolling his eyes at us "you saw each other yesterday when she got back"  "your jelouse because you like Beth" I couldn't help but laugh at what Elisha said, I don't know where she gets it from to be honest, I wasn't that funny in my opinion so it obviously wasn't from me "that's it, come here you"  she quickly ran as carl left his seat and started chasing her... I don't know what it was about carl, every time he was with Elisha he seemed to make her laugh or smile which made me smile, he would always play with her and make her laugh and stuff and I've got to say... it's adorable. "You hungry?" Carol handed me two plate of bacon and some vegetables, one for me and one for the hyperactive child running about behind me "thanks" I gave her a quick smile and placed them on the table "here you go" carl had her over his shoulder and he carefully placed her on the chair, I couldn't help but smile lately and I'm not sure whether it was because of how good everything was going or how good the people in my life were

The rest of the day was quiet for me, Patrick took Elisha to carols lesson and I went from r throwing practice... no one else really practiced stuff like this, I don't see why when this sort of stuff can save your life... I used to practice every morning when I was out there but I had more important things to do now, I picked up my knives and I began throwing... I didn't mind if it wasn't quite because that won't help when your in a loud place, but a baby crying was one of the things I couldn't cope with "brogan?" I turned around and saw Meeka holding Judith in her arms, she was obviously tired but she looked like she was struggling " she won't go to sleep, could you help" I nodded and put down my knives...I loved children, always have, always will...

It was strange holding Judith. The last time I held a baby was when Elisha was young, she didn't cry much which was a good thing as I would have probably ended up surrounded by walkers because of the noise "why aren't you with carol" Meeks and izzy were like carols watch dogs and it was strange when they weren't with her "I think I'm getting too old" I shook Judith from side to side slowly trying to calm her down "Meeka spend as much time being a kid as you can because it can all disappear faster then you can think,I would literally give anything to be your age again"  she didn't say much she just looked at her feet "why don't you go to your lesson and I'll look after Judith" she looked up and gave me a quick smile before running into the building.
Judith wasn't setting that well at this point. But I learnt that when every a baby's tired they need a song or some thing like that to sleep, "there was a house built out of stone, wooden floors walls and window cills , tables and chairs worn by all of the dust, this is a place where I don't feel alone, this is a place where I feel at home" (to build a home.... the best song ever)she was quieting down now... my mom used to sing that song to me all the time, to the point where the words were engraved in my mind.

I looked around at the nearly empty yard and noticed a smiling cowboy standing at the door, I felt my face go red a little, I don't know why exactly he was making me blush... but I had to stop..., I looked again and he was gone. I walked Judith back inside the prison and I handed her to Beth before I made my way to my cell to read a book... "hey"
I put my book down as carl came in "hey, what's up" he took his hat off and pulled a jar of chocolate spread out "where did you get this!" I had been wanting chocolate spread since the first day of the new world but it was no where at all "well, I had to sneak it out of one of the boxes but I found it... "your literally the best" I grabbed a spoon from my draw and started eating, "can I Tell you something?" I gave him a quick nod before I shoved another spoon full into my mouth... "carols been teaching the younger ones how to use weapons" I already knew about this but carol told me not to tell anyone... she even told me that she was but only because Elisha was the youngest there "are you gonna tell your dad?" "Wait i thought that considering Elisha was there you would have been more ... weird about it." I shrugged my shoulders and put the jar down "well... I already taught her a lot about this sort of stuff so it's not like she can't handle herself" he looked back at his hat and I felt really bad.
"I'm sorry" I put away the chocolate spread "what for?" He put his hat on his long black main "I don't know, I just feel sorry for something" he placed his hand under my chin and then lifted it up to look at me. "You don't have to be sorry" he gave me a quick smile before Elisha ran into the room and jumped on me "hi mom" I rapped my arms around her and I,watched as carl grinned at me "can I go play with izzy?" I nodded and kissed her on the head before she ran off again,

I had went to sleep pretty early last night, I had to get up for my early watch shift which carl and I did, I did the same thing I always did, shoes on, make bed, hair up, grab bat.... "Patrick?" I saw Patrick walk into one of the cells, it wasn't his... must be sleep walking again. "Patrick?" A gargling sound came from his mouth and my first instinct was to grab my gun... "ahhh!!!!" I quickly turned around and watched as a walker chewed through a girls arm , "Walkers!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, I began shooting the walker on the floor and the now unconscious girl... I ran into my cell and woke up Elisha "come on baby, you've got to go get Daryl " she rubbed her tired eyes and she got down off of the bed as fast as she could

"Go get Daryl okay" she nodded and ran out of the door, I walked back into the main room and watched as people ran for their lives trying to make it out without a scratch... I ran to the cell Patrick went into... walker "brogan!" I ran to the door and shot what ever walker passed me. "I'm fine Daryl" I opened the door and I made sure everyone could get out, rick ran through the doors with a gun in his hand but the swarm of people seemed never ending "clear the top" the bullet shells were no longer crashing onto the ground and the numbers of people got smaller. "Clear" the guys were walking around the top floors trying to get rid of the rest of them...

"How did this happen?" Every one seemed to look at me as I was the only one here when it happened "when I got up this morning for my shift,Patrick walked into another cell but when I went to get him there was a scream from the girl behind me"I put my gun back into my holester and I stood up against a wall. "It was obviously a virus of flu of some sort, every one who was in here could have it, were gonna have to separate them all" Hershel continued his sentence but I blanked out... out of all the things me and Elisha have lived through it's ironic how we were going to die from the flu... nice. "I'm gonna get rid of the body's" Daryl walked out the room pretty quick, everyone seemed pretty down now. "Elishas infected as well?" Hershel nodded at me, " I need some air" I was upset but I was also extremely angry, I stormed out of the room and out on to the court.

"Mom!" I looked up and saw a smiling little girl let go of Carl's hand and run into my arms, "hey Elisha" I pulled her away for a moment and looked into her eyes "are you okay have you been bit or scratched" she shook her head, "Elisha listen to me okay, there's a bug going around so if you see any one coughing a lot or throwing up tell me okay" she nodded at me and I gave her a big hug "what happens if I start coughing?" I couldn't tell her she was going to die because I'm not a monster, yet "well, you'll have medicine for a while, then on your worst day, you'll go to sleep... but when you wake up you'll be better again okay?" I felt my eyes watering at just the thought of her leaving me....

I helped Glenn and a few others take the body's out side and clean up the cells so people can sleep."hey small bean " I was sitting on my bed when Glenn came in "hey,Glenn"..."you okay?" I nodded my head with a fake smile "it's okay to not be okay you know" I stood up and grabbed my gun and putting it in a holester "i know" I put my hair in a ponytail abit tighter then normal "where are you going?" I shrugged my shoulders " just for a walk I guess Glenn walked away after giving me a smile, I made my way out side to the fences, it was around about 3am and I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was the flu, were all gonna get it. I looked at the fences and saw a bunch of them piling up against the fence... best way to take your anger out I guess, I grabbed a crow bar from the pile of things and I began stabbing "it had to be a flu"

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