Dust upon my skin

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The mirrored wall... the curtain of dust was layered over it but it was a mirror non the less...

The light from the window shone over it exposing the dust that was drifting around the room, making most grains visible. I put down my bag and reached into the side pocket for the battery powered CD player and the disk I found in one of the shops... only rick and Daryl  knew I went out by my self... "I've been out here since the start by my self so it's not like I can't handle myself" is the exact words that made them say yes... rick had to convince Daryl a little but he eventually said yes for me too have more days out...
Before this happened I danced, competitively of course. I loved dancing so when I found this place a while back my heart melted, a dance studio which had food and water, no blood or walkers... untouched...

I didn't clean the mirror, I liked the way the light looked too much to ruin it, I had left it like this since I found it I made it look untouched. I pressed play on the CD player and took my shoes off. My shorts and a long sleeved top with knee length socks... not what I used to dance in but it was good enough, I hated the first song that played so I would always stretch during it,but when pa de deux by dodie played... I felt so, at peace... dancing was my favourite thing to do, I would do it every where and any where I could. Doing my teeth, making food, during brake and lunch, when I was by my self I used to walk around dancing to songs in my head... sounds crazy but it was nice.

The leg lifts, the twirls and the jumps all in the right pattern... no distractions just me my music and my freedom... my hair was in a pony tail, loose but not too loose like always and I had grabbed some ballet shoes from the cupboard near the door(convenient... I know) by the time I had finished, I was out of breath and my face was slightly red... my attention was drawn the the loud clapping from the door. "That was amazing!" A long haired cowboy applauded me "what are you doing here?" I quickly ran to my shoes and put them on tying the laces tightly on my small feet "I saw you leave and I wanted to come along" I sighed at him and he grabbed my bag and placed it on his shoulder "what's with the dust" I sat on the chair and looked at the mirror "none of your business, now lets get you back before you dad kills you" he began laughing to himself "my dad knows I'm with you" I stood up and walked passed him "you coming?" I looked back at him and saw the smile on his face grow...

"What do you even do out here?" We walked in between the trees, the twigs and leaves were gently falling from above "travel" the bag on my back was burning my shoulder but it wasn't long now until we arrived at the destination, "travel where, there's nothing around here for miles" the dark amber coloured wood made me more sure of where I... we were going to go "that's only if you walk" the tree branches parted and gave me a clearer sight of the motorbike I had been using for travelling around the area. I lifted it up and sat on the seat... "do you trust me?" I put the bag between my lap and looked over to carl who didn't seem as eager as me. "If we die becausei of this, I'll kill you" he walked over and sat on the part behind me, his hands were on my waist and it sent shivers down my spine... what am I saying, it's just a way that he won't die.

The wind in my hair gave me a sense of freedom, which wasn't new... it was more like seeing an old friend.We had been driving for 10 minuets before driving past a big open field, the wind that was blowing through my hair was progressively slowing down and so were we, "shit!" The tight grip on my hip was loosened as He walked around the side."the backs flat" . I I pulled my hair down and tide the bobble around me wrist."come on, there's problable a tire or a car around here somewhere" I looked up at him and he placed a hand out for me to grab, I hesitated for a moment before holding it to steady my self off of the bike. We both soon let go after. he put on his cowboy hat and I followed him across the field... I had my hands out and the wheat was swaying against my finger tips every time I moved ,carl would take his eyes off of me and his smile didn't fade, "what you smiling at?" He began laughing to him self and carried on walking besides me "come on tell me, you always seem to be smiling a lot lately?" He fiddled with his hat a little and put his hands back in his pockets "I don't know, every thing seems to be going great latley so what's not to smile about." He had a point but something in the distance had caught my attention, a black stallion running by its self, free in the empty field, allowed to roam free but sadly for the horse... we needed a way back, "come on..." I walked a little faster so I was eventually ahead of him. "Mechone had one just like this one" I looked back at him as his voice had brought me back from my gaze.

I didn't run up to it and jump on it's back because I'm not a dumb ass. I stood with my hand out and I walked extremely slowly forward. It's hairs were neat and smooth, and it was extremely fond of people stroking its main. "I told you we would find a way back" he walked up close to it and held the rope that was tide around its mouth like a muzzle thing. It's eyes where black and hazel which made the suns beam glisten on them. "You joining me or what" I looked away and noticed no carl, HE WAS ON THE FUCKING HORSE... "how did you get on?" He did it in less then two seconds and it was going to take me hours to get on. "Grab my hand" he put his hand out yet again and this time I grabbed it quicker then last time, he pulled me up with no effort at all and I placed my hands around him... (for 'safety reason') and we soon began trotting down the road.

"This is nice" I had my head leant against his shoulder, we had been in silence for a while but not awkward silence. "What is?" we were getting closer to the prison now which meant that I had to go back into the crappy cell with everyone confining and stuff, "hanging out with you" I giggle a little as he literally saw me everyday "carl we hang out all the time, we do see each other every morning on shift" the prison was now in sight and I could see rick from afar  stole up to the gates "I know but... it's just wield to think that if this hole thing never happened... I wouldn't have met you or Daryl, Judith wouldn't be here, I wouldn't be able to wear this hat" I broke out into laughter at his comment and I could see him chuckle a bit as well "I swear if it came down to it you would choose the hat over me" I put my head back on his shoulder but lifted it back up after he placed his hat on my head. "I wouldn't have to choose, there's no choice about it" he jumped off of the horse and gave me a wink before grabbing onto the rope "finally got back then,what took so long?"

"Car trouble" carl put his hand out for me too grab as I got off the horse, I put my bag onto my shoulders and started walking back into the prison "hey Hershel" the old guys was sitting on his bed with a bible in his hands, someone had passed while I was gone "who went?" He looked up at me with a putty full look "no?!" I ran all the way to the end of the room and entered my own "mom?" She was lying in the bed with her blanket rapped around her tightly " hey baby, you okay?" She shook her head slightly as I examined her sickly plane pail skin, "can you lie with me?" I nodded and sat down in the bed and she put her head on my lap "what's gonna happen?" I felt empty not a single thought went through my head "well... first your gonna be all sweaty and your little chest will hurt, then you'll be sick and struggle to eat... but after a while you'll go to sleep and it'll all be over after a few days" she tooled her self closer into my body and I didn't know what too do, at this point I didn't know how to act, the drop of a pin could set me off...

I stroked her head ever so gently trying not to wake her up, I looked at the time and realised that everyone was going to be back in there's cells,fast asleep soon... I lifted up her head and slipped out of the way of where I put her head. I stretched my legs and grabbed my knife... coughing could be heard from down the hall so i of course went to check it out again, it was probably that old lady who keeps trying to leave, "hello?" I had my knife ready for who or what ever it was... "Glenn?" He was sweating from head to toe and the bags under his eyes became more visible "shit, you too" he nodded his head but took a step away from me every time I tried to help him back to his room.

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