Bravest girl i know

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I opened my eyes, the dust and gravel hadn't settled yet and the clean air I was breathing in had now been contaminated with dust. "Elisha?" I slowly picked myself up and looked around."Elisha!" I shouted for her but she wasn't there, neither was Carl or Beth or Daryl no one was here. I picked myself up and slowly started walking. No one was here, the buildings were crumbling and the fences were down with walkers walking about coming closer to me by the second. I still walked. The sky's bright blues were fading into navy blues and purples and pinks with the pure white clouds slowly drifting away. I had no food, no friend and no water. Nothing to survive on... just me and my bat.

I must have been walking for hours now as the sky's bright blues were coming back which made it easier to look for shelter."be quiet bitch! Or I'll rip your throat out" I quickly hid behind a tree, I slowly looked around the corner as I felt my heart beat quickly sped up. "Have you got her shit?" There were two guys and a girl no older then me, she had her hands held behind her back with one guy holding her down and the other grabbing the bag she was wearing. "Nice gun girly" i knew I couldn't do anything right now, I felt defenceless . "Let me go please, I won't tell anyone... I beg of you" I could hear her crying and sobbing as she begged but then the trigger was pulled. I felt shivers go down my spine as I gripped my side. I had a plan but it wasn't clean, but let's face it... they deserve it. "Move the body" I held my bat tightly and held my side as if I was shot. "Help me sir, please I need help." They quickly looked up and I made my self cry a little. "Are you hurt?" I nodded "I got split up from my group and I'm scared, please help me" they quickly glanced at each other and I hobbled a little closer "what's your name" "brogan... what's yours?" I could tell by the faces that they only had one thing on there minds "well I'm Luke and this is Marcus, we have some medicine equipment in that box, on the back of the truck... come on let's get you cleaned up" Luke and Marcus looked at each other and nodded again. "Thanks" Luke started walking to the truck while Marcus went back to carrying the body "Are you bit?" I shook my head. He lent into the truck and I quickly swung my bat into his ribs before grabbing the gun out of his pocket.

"What the fuck!" Marcus ran over and reached for the gun but I pulled the trigger at his head and he was gone, "get the fuck up!" Luke had blood coming from him mouth and I pushed him towards the drivers seat. We began driving down the road"You got a group?" He nodded "well lucky for you I'm not gonna kill you, instead I'm gonna take all your shit and let you rot... oh and I'm taking the car" he had sweat dripping from his forehead "I remember you, you are the kid with a kid... Elisha I think it was, I saw you" I pressed the gun deeper into his head "you don't remember shit" we drove for a moment in silence "listen, you've made a mistake okay, we're a massive group with a powerful leader and knowing that you've taken this brogan.... will only make it worse if he ever finds you" I put a hand onto the wheel and hit him with the gun knocking him out. His foot got off the pedal and I dragged him out of the car. I wasn't a monster... I left water food a gun and some medicine. I hopped back in and drove down the road until night drew in again.

The back of the truck had a roof so I wasn't bothered about having anything stolen, I lay down on the seats with my body facing the roof of the car. It was silent, too silent. Back at the prison you would always hear something, coughing or people walking about or Daryl and Glenn swapping shifts while having a long conversation about nothing,  but out here the only thing you could hear was your own breath. This is when it first kicked in that I was alone, no uncle Daryl and his jokes, no Glenn and Maggie to talk to if I needed help, no Carl to talk to in the middle of the night when I was bored or sad and no Elisha too tuck in before she fell asleep. This was my first day without out her... this is when I broke down.
I started the car again and drove.

Carls pov

I didn't know what to do, dad was barely moving we had barely any food, no friends and no real place to stay. Since the prison went down, I could barely look at my dad, he wasn't worth saving anymore... he couldn't even protect Judith let alone a group, now everyone's gone....

I stared at the crack in the wall... it was the only thing not perfect about this place, the rooms were untouched, the food was still here and there was still clothes that I could change into. Like I said... untouched. I got off of the bed and began walking down the stairs, no matter how much noise I made it wasn't like he was going to wake up, I walked through the kitchen and out the back. "Agh!" I heard a high pitch scream coming from near the other side of the house and I ran as fast as I could... "AGH" the scream got louder as I saw a few zombies trying to get something out of one of the cars. I quickly stabbed them in the back of the head and opened the door "Elisha?" She jumped into my arms from the car and I felt a wave of relief pass me... "Carl, I didn't mean to get stuck but I got lost then I-I" I pulled away for a moment and wiped the water from her tear stained cheeks. "Where's brogan?" She shock her head and I hugged her again as she began to cry. I walked her into the house and I told her to look around while I searched the other houses.

"Elisha?" I locked the door behind me and put the bags on the counter before I walked into the living room. Elisha had fallen asleep on the floor near my dad, she had put a wet paper towel on his head as well. I picked her up in my arms and  carried her up to the spare room, I took her shoes off of her and tucked her in while also trying not to wake her up. "Carl?" Just as I was about to head downstairs I heard her sleepy voice call me "yeah" I turned around and she began to sit up in her bed "do you think my moms okay?" I didn't know what the right thing to say was, I didn't want her to loose hope, I walked over to her and sat on the chair next to the bed "your mom is one of the bravest people I know Elisha, if she wanted to she could take on 100 walkers at once" "but what if I never see her again?" Her eyes started to water again "she's gonna find us, there's no doubt about that... she's probably trying to find you right now" she began to smile again and soon lay back down "get some sleep" she nodded slightly before closing her eyes again... where are you brogan?

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