Waiting on elisha (short but still)

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My hand twitched repeatedly as I opened the door, expecting to see Elisha but it was only Arron. "You're not the nine  year old I was expecting to see?" He rolled his eyes as I let him into the house "well they're currently all having a meeting with Diana, she wants to talk to them first and then you can show them all to their houses when they come out" by doing which I would get to see all of them again... yay. "Yeah that's okay" I grabbed my shoes and we began walking down to Diana's house, I was freaking out in a good way, my hands were shaking just imagining holding Elisha's hands again. Her tiny baby hands which had probably grown larger from the last time I had seen her and I couldn't imagine what they were like now. Whether or not they were as tiny as the last time I held them, It didn't matter... today was the day and I was kinda ready.

We walked up to the door and I braced myself as I didn't know which familiar face I was going to see first. "I'll meet you at the house" the door opened up and i couldn't remember how to breath for a moment as I saw his face. "Brogan" He stood there still for a moment before looking me up and down as if I wasn't really here and that I was just a figment of his imagination "Hey pizza boy" Glenn walked forwards over to me and he rapped his arms around my tiny body, he pulled away for a moment before looking at me again "how are y-... how long have you-  oh my god I'm so happy to see you" he hugged me again and I heard the door open again causing my heart to skip a beat.

I took every one to their new houses one by one after we had hugged it out of course. There were a few new friendly faces like that Abraham guy who made me laugh the whole walk up to his house, and that Rosa who seemed really chill. Diana had left my favourite people till the end which made me wanna scratch my own eyes out. "I still don't trust these people, wait here Elisha. We don't want her to get lost" i giggled with joy as they were all coming out soon....I could hear ricks voice muffled by the door. I felt my palms go sweaty and my knees tremble, oh my shit this was happening and I was FREAKING OUT.  The door opened up and rick walked out with a huge smile "oh my god" he walked over to me with my arms out wide before I gave him a hug back, "hey rick" I heard him laugh a little as we were hugging. "Carl's gonna freak out when he sees you" ...... "I hope so"

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