Finally come home

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I sat up in my bed and put my feet on the stone cold wood, I hadn't slept. I leant over to the shirtless Luke lying in my bed and I kissed him on the cheek.I didn't know how to sleep on days like this. I was too scared to fall asleep and miss it all. I crept slowly out the door trying not to wake him before going downstairs. It was all silent for the most part, I held my arms while walking into the living room, Ron's snoring echoed throughout the house like a fly circling your head. The street was silent now as Luke's parents had gone to sleep and stopped arguing which was the whole reason Luke and Ron crashed at mine. Luke stayed in my room and Ron slept on my sofa when he could sneak out. I slipped on some clean clothes from my washing hamper, put my boots on and went out the front door. I didn't think about it that often but I would probably have gone crazy without this place, I would have killed anyone that moved out there if it meant getting a leg up in the world. If it wasn't for this place I would have gotten myself killed. The street was silent was the only sound being the taping of my boots on the floor. The stars were out and for some reason; shone brighter then any other night "Brogan?" I looked around to see nothing but my shadow on the ground... "Up here gorgeous" obviously enid. I looked up at her window and there she was, with her long brown hair tracing out the window. "Give me a sec" she pointed at the door and just like that she vanished. I slowly walked to the door and waited for her to come down, it was almost three in the morning and I wasn't that surprised that she's still up... she's barely slept since she got here. "Morning" I walked through the door as she opened it and kicked off my shoes. "It's still dark which means that it's still night" I rolled my arms at her as we walked into her kitchen

Enid had one of the smallest houses in the town, it had one bedroom, one bathroom and an attic which was basically a hang out for us. "So what's got you wide awake?" I sat on the counter as she filled the kettle with water and pulled out two cups. "I just can't sleep, what about you... I thought it was getting better?" She took a long sigh before turning around to face me "I don't know... I had about three days of going to sleep at about 12 or 11ish and then it got messed up again... now what's the real reason your up?" she turned back around and poured the water into the cups. " it's tomorrow, yeah I'm happy that they're all going to be here but I kinda don't want them too. I must sound like a bitch" she handed me a cup and we walked into her living room "no you don't, why don't you want them here?" I pulled my leg up to my face as I sat on her sofa. "I love them of course and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them but they only know the one side of me... you know, the tough girl who had to row up and take care of everyone else. He. We were at the prison no one treated me like a kid like they do here but I wish they did... I probably sound stupid" he probably thinks that I'm talking nonsense "no I totally get it, when you were there they expected you to act like a grown up all of the time with Elisha running around and looking for food and stuff... but when you're here you get to act like a teen with only you're friends and yourself to look after" I'm so happy that she exists, I would probably be a stuck up cow if she didn't "have I ever told you how amazing you are" I held out my cup nd she clinked it with hers "only all the time"

I spent the night at Enid's and headed over to mine in the morning, I cleaned myself up and got the house sorted and waited for Arron to fetch me when they got here. "You know you don't have to worry" I was pacing back and forth in my kitchen hole I waited for them to get here "I can't help it, nervous habit" he walked in front of me and put his hands on my waist "what's there to worry about, they're probably on their way now" I looked at the floor as I wiggled my feet, I felt his hand on my chin. "What if everything changes" he pulled me up onto the counter and he stood in between my legs. "If everything changes then I'm going to be standing here with you when it does" i couldn't help but love him, he was the best thing in my life (besides from Elisha) and I never wanted to loose him "I love you" he pulled me in for a kiss and I couldn't help but smile as he did it "I love you too" he kissed me again and I slowly rested my arms on his shoulders... then I heard the knock. I quickly pulled away and looked at the door as I saw Arron standing there. "They're here" Luke lifted me off the counter and placed me on the ground "ready?" I nodded my head and I walked over to the door. Elisha's  here. She's finally here

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