What i wish i had

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A few month ahead
Day 246, I found it...the necklace that Elisha owned. It was down the road which means that they are near by. I've already spoke to Luke about my group and he spoke to Diana who said that they could stay when or if they got here.  He knows about Elisha.... I thought he was gonna change but he didn't, if anything he loves me more. I gave Arron a map of where they might be and he's on the look out .
I'm not gonna stop till I find them... they're out there.

"IVE GOT FOOD" I heard the door downstairs open and I quickly rammed my book under the bed. "I'm up here!" I shouted and she soon ran up the stairs. "Luke said he would be here in a bit but for now it's just me" i smiled as Enid walked through the door. I was the first to get Enid to talk. When I was out looking for food I found her by herself and brought her back with me... I apologised for the time I met her before in the woods and I offered her help and more, she's the only other girl my age here and I'm thankful that she's my best friend. "I've literally been waiting for this since last week" I sat up as she placed the food on the bed. Diana said that Enid could come with me after I gave this speech about how it's hard to go from going out to being surrounded by strangers who you can't leave and she let her come with me. Soon after we went out, we kept finding sweets and candy that Diana wouldn't let us have so we snuck it in, we hid drinks at mine and food at Enid's and that's how we started our tradition. "Air heads, Reece's pieces, skittles and more" I grabbed the box of drinks and passed her the Fanta and grabbed myself a Dr Pepper."This is the good life" I held my drink up and she did the same "cheers to that" we both dug into the pile of sugar that we gathered and it must have been the best stash that we had gathered by far "so hows it going with you and lover boy" I rolled my eyes at her as she giggled a little "it's good, I've never been this happy for ages and it just keeps getting better, but enough about me... how's Ron?" I smirked at her as she lay back on the bed "Don't even get me started on that little creep" Ron was addicted to her, by that I mean that he loves her, like .... ALOT "just give him a chance, I bet he's a decent guy"

She grabbed a pillow and started hitting me with it and I couldn't help but laugh, "very classy ladies" Enid threw the pillow at Luke as he walked in and I couldn't help but smile at him smiling. "Better have saved some for me" He sat down with us and he soon started eating with us "where were you anyway" I passed him a coke out the box before shoving it back under the bed. "Well I was talking to my good friend Arron and he has some news." I soon choked on my skittles " they found them!" He nodded and I felt this sudden wave of emotion hit me... I was gonna have my family back! "He said that they should be here by tomorrow just after the rain storm" oh my god this is actually happening. "Oh my god" I sipped on my drink and learnt back onto the head board. "Is there by anychance a guy our age who could possibly beat the crap out of Ron and have me... no offence".... "none taken" Luke didn't mind Enid talking about his brother, they both hated him "well there is this one guy...long hair, green eyes, my height, last time I checked his voice was high pitched but yeah... your type" I sipped on my drink and we all just sat there relaxing. I loved that about them two.

Us three could be alone in a room doing nothing and we would still have a good time, but then there's days where we will sit and talk for hours about nothing and laugh so bad that we cry but it's all good none the less. I love them both.
"Okay truth or dare" I hated when Luke suggested this game, I always wanted to punch him for it. "Truth" he rubbed his hands together and I punched him in the arm "would you rather date Ron or be alone for the rest of your life?" That one wasn't even that difficult "date Ron, cause then I can trick him into getting eaten by walkers" I heard a rattle coming from down stairs and I went a bit closer to see what it was "SHIT, Diana's coming here!" There was a frantic mess of Enid and Luke shoving the food into the bag and putting it under the bed "Hey Diana, what brings you here?" She had this smile on her face that she couldn't hide "Hey brogan sorry to interrupt you and the others but I was wondering how your feeling about tomorrow?" There was some rattling upstairs but I tried to not bring attention to it. "Yeah I'm just a bit frantic about it, by any chance did Arron mention how many kids there were?" ... "he wasn't sure about how many but he definitely saw two" oh my god he actually saw then, he might have seen mika and Lizzie or maybe Elisha and Judith "there was definitely a boy your age" CARLS ALIVE "thanks that makes me feel better" she nodded and patted me on the shoulder before almost leaving the house "enjoy your sweet stash" Fuck... she left without saying anything else and my mouth just dropped. I walked back upstairs and they looked nervous. "She knows about the stash" I slowly walked over to the bed and sat back down "Are you sure?" I nodded my head and gave them a smile. "Truth or dare gorgeous".... "why are we still playing!?" He raised his eye brows at me and I just sighed "dare" it would probably be something stupid like eat a raw egg or swap clothes with someone "I dare you to kiss Enid" my eyes quickly opened and I felt my face heat up, I looked at her to ask"I'm down" I nodded and she slowly leant in, I didn't know what to do but it's not like I didn't want it to happen it was just weird.

Her lips were soft and Rosie red, when she pulled away there was this moment of madness I felt, like... I didn't mind it but I should have. "That was extremely hot" I pushed him off the bed and he pulled the blanket with him. " I better be going, i need to help with setting up the houses for tomorrow but I'll be back tonight" He leant over the bed and kissed me on the cheek, "yeah I need to go have a shower, you're going to be here tomorrow right Enid ?" She nodded and I let them out the house.
I slowly walked up the stairs into the room next door and admired the fact that Elisha was finally gonna see it. I found some paint a while back and painted the room yellow and white, yellow was her favourite colour, she said and I quote it's a happy sunshine colour. I painted a sunflower on the wall near her bed so she could look at it when she goes to bed. I walked a over to the desk and untied the bracelet from my wrist and carefully placing in the draw. Tomorrow's going to be a new start.

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