Fitting in

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The night seemed to have stopped. I got back and got dressed but I couldn't sleep no matter how tired I was, it didn't feel right. The bed felt like a punishment, I was so used to sleeping in a car and this didn't feel right anymore. I grabbed a few pillows from the bed and placed them on the floor and  grabbed my blanket and placed it across the floor before rapping myself in it. I soon drifted off...I wasn't used to doing nothing anymore, usually I would always be traveling and getting supplies when I got up but all I had to do here was school which wasn't much if you think about it. I didn't like it. I kind of just lay there on the floor for a moment when I got up, I was just trying to imagine where everyone was, Daryl was probably trying to find a squirrel, Carl was probably being a pain in the ass, Rick was probably leading and bossing people about, they probably all forgot about me by now. I picked the necklace off of my neck and looked at it. I missed Elisha so much and I wasn't going to stop looking for her. I sighed again before getting up.

I grabbed some basic clothes, bag, jacket and an apple before leaving the house. No one was up yet. There were people guarding the gate and a few other walking about but it was basically a ghost town this morning. I walked down the road towards the gate, I didn't have anything to do till about 3 ish when the younger kids finished so going out for abit wasn't a bad idea. "Hey, girl... where you going?" A guy with curly brown hair and a small moustache came running over to me with gun in hand "out, what's it got to do with you?" He didn't say anything that made me hate him but instead it was the way he said it, it just reminded me of people from before, the ones who thought that they were better then others "watch your tone little girl, your new here, I could get you're punk ass kicked out of this place if I wanted to... you wouldn't last a day by yourself out there" he began to try and pull the bag off my back before I pulled his arm behind his back "GET OFF ME" I pulled it tighter by a little and pulled my bag back on. I put my mouth to his ear and began to whisper "touch my shit again and I'll brake your arm in so many places that you won't be able to use a gun heavier then a pistol again... got it?" He soon nodded and I let go of his bag. I looked up and Luke was standing there infront of me. I bet he hates me now.

I walked over to the gate and the guy gave me a quick smile before letting me out... I soon began walking into the direction of the mall that I found before, I was planning on circling around it until I completely ran out of supplies then I would go back and get more but now was the perfect time fore that, this group needed as much help as they could get. The whole walk there felt like a drag, I missed driving my car but if I went to get my car then Diana would have spotted me. Not worth it. I crept around the back of the building and crawled through the broken window of the basement level. It lead into this dark jewellery shop which was afew minuets away from the food court.

It was weird coming here, looking at all the jewels in here was weird. If the world haven't gone to shit then the diamonds and other expensive crap would have made anyone happy, but it's all worthless now, not a single thing in here could make me happy, weird isn't it... my attention was soon brought to something falling through the window, I grabbed my knife and crouched down behind a shelf "that hurt like a bitch"I stood up and walked over to them "Luke you're a dumbass" he was lying in the floor holding his elbow, I put my hand out and I helped him up, "how did you know it was me?" I rolled my eyes and went back over to the rack I was admiring "you do realise that I know what you sound like" he walked over to me and stood On the other side of the rack to face me "I bet it's cause you saw my abs" I looked up at him, he was actually full of himself. "Totally" every time I moved onto a different rack he followed me, not in a creepy way but still.

"What are you even doing here?" We began walking into then next shop which was a old video game store, the lies looked in perfect condition with the games standing up straight in perfect rows. "I saw that you left, and I followed".... "you can't get enough of me can you" I was being sarcastic of course but I was kinda hoping that the answer would be yes, we were on opposite sides of the shop now and I began walking slowly to the end of the shop, tracing my fingers on the shelf's as I walked past collecting a pile of dust on my fingertip. "Well you did make a impression" as I got further down the row his voice was getting louder and more clear. "In What way?" I stood still for a moment waiting for a reply. "Well, you can handle yourself for starters... funny... brave... gorgeous, like really gorgeous" I began walking again down the row, but I soon stopped as Luke and me were now almost face to face. "Gorgeous huh?" I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he had basically gone red "you're trying to embarrass me aren't you?" He began to laugh faintly. I sat on the counter and I quickly heard  a rattle coming from above, "that might be what Im doing?" I jumped off the counter and looked up, there was dust falling from the ceiling and Luke seemed to notice it too, "shit!" He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into him as the panel fell above me. We kind of stood there in silence before one of us moved. "Thanks, you basically saved me" I couldn't move my eyes off of his, they were like a forestry green colour which were beautiful in their own way. He leaned in to me and I didn't move back, I mean... it's not like I didn't want it to happen, he soon pressed his lips on mine and I placed one of my hands the the side of his head, it didn't last long but it was still long enough, I scooted past him with a big smile on my face "you coming" he soon went redder then before and he followed on.

On the way back we basically spoke the whole way. He was telling me about his family and his past life, stuff that he likes doing now and everything in between. he basically opened up to me and I opened up to him, I told him about the prison and just before the prison, the people who I had like Carl Beth and Daryl, I even told him about Elisha and the necklace. Like I said... we really opened up and it was nice to tell someone about them. When we got to the gate Diana was standing there with a smile on her face "I thought she would be pissed if I left?" I was confused you her sometimes "I thought so too" He obviously didn't understand either "back just in time for school I see, anyone hurt?" I shock my head and we walked with her back into the gate. "That's good... next time you leave can you please give me a bell" "yes mam" Luke said and I quickly felt a warm feeling in my stomach. When I got here I didn't get the people and I don't think I ever will, but they get me kind of. It felt even more like home.

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