The light on the cell wall

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The light on my cell wall was no longer pretty and the flowers were almost dead and all I could hear around the prison was coughing noises from cell to cell.

It had been a week and a half now and I was fine, I even helped Hershel carry the bodies and stuff so it looked like I was immune to it or some thing...the light on my cell wall was probably the only thing getting me through the days now, well... that and the people in here. I pulled the covers off of me and I slipped into my boots and walked into the main room... I wasn't allowed to talk to carl which was a negative but I got to see him every time I took a body out which wasn't the best but hey, it'll do. I immediately turned around when I headed some coughing from behind me,

It was really early and no one seemed to be up yet. I walked over to the door where it was coming from and watches as carol put water on the dead burning corpses. "Brogan!" I didn't move or say anything, what was I meant to a say anyway, who was I meant to tell... "what did you do?" I didn't shout or raise my voice at all... "i can't risk the infection spreading... you can't tell rick?" For the first time, Carol looked scared, she was kind to me and... who wanted to be the one to tell rick, NOT ME!

"I won't tell him, but if you lay a hand on Elisha when she- if she gets the flu your gone" I didn't make eye contact with her, I couldn't. I just kept looking at the body's on the ground before walking back into the building. "Mom?" I looked to the right and saw Elisha walk down the stairs "Hershel needs you" I kissed her forehead before walking up the stairs, "morning brogan" the room he was in seemed bare,all the medicine was basically gone and the blankets were gone also "you wanted to see me?" He put on his blaze and slipped on his shoes "I was thinking that as you seem to be fine, why don't you get some fresh air... you haven't left this building in days?" He did have a point but I couldn't leave Elisa, she had been coughing but she seemed to be fine, can't risk it, "Hershel what if you need help?" He pulled his arms through his sleeves on his blazer and stood up with his walking stick under his arm "I wasn't asking." Hershel had been looking out for me lately and I had no clue why... he was like a grandad to me, and to everyone here as well... I gave him a quick smirk and I went down the steps and made my way to the main doors.

"Daryl!" I looked over to him and gave him a smile as he walked over to me, "hey sweet heart" he rapped his arm around me and I did the same to him. "I have a favour to ask" he let go of me and put his cross bow on the table where rick was sitting at. "Don't get me wrong, I love this place but I want to go back out there, just for an hour or two every so often" put his legs around the bench and gave me his protective uncle glare "your only 14" I sat in front of him on the bench "and I've been out there for 5 years... I think I can handle it now" he looked over to rick who was digging into his bowl of dry cereal "what do you think?" I gave him a puppy dog pleed and I even put my hands together to plead to him. "An hour or two won't hurt" Daryl listened to rick, so he was obviously gonna say yes to him "take a gun" I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek before running to get my stuff.

Elisha was still sleep when I came into the room, she was literally my ball and chain and if I lost her I think I would loose myself... I gave her a slight kiss on the cheek before grabbing my gun "sleep tight baby"

Authors note: I know it's short and that I keep skipping a head but the next one is going to be a good one, I promise ❤️❤️❤️

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