I have hope

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Dear diary, it's day 213 since the prison and still no sign of them. Not a single word or gun shell left of them... it's like they vanished of the face of the earth without a sign of where they wer or if they were all together. I ant give up yet. I have hope

I put the pad of paper back into my bag and sat up from the leather car seat. The sun was making the car worm and sticky so I decided to get some air. I hadn't worn any new clothes for about 5 months now so I just ended up ripping my jeans into shorts and I ripped my shirt into a bra like thing with my flannel over the top to make me look a little bit decent for if I see anyone. I stood up and lifted my head up to the sky. The sky was clear and new and the breeze was enough for me. My hair was greasy and I was covered in dirt. I reached in the back of my truck and turned on the record player, I skimmed trough all the albums and put my favourite "high enough" by F.kay. I grabbed a lollipop from the pile of shit in my trunk and sat on top of the car with my sunglasses on... I had to do things. To relieve and I guess this was one of my ways."give me your stuff" from the sounds of it, it was a girl who was probably my age. I slowly sat up and took the lollipop out my mouth "I'm good" her hands were shaking and her bag was reasonably full. "I will shoot you" I laughed at her comment "give me all your stuff" I couldn't help but laugh at her, her finger wasn't on the tigger and it wasn't even cocked back "I'm serious" I pulled the gun out from the holder around my leg and cocked it back with my finger on the trigger. "And so am I"

she put her gun down and I could see the terror on he face "listen I- I've been alone for a while now and I have no food- please anything." I sighed at her and opened the box. "This should last you a few extra days" I handed her a bag and shut the box ,she smiled at me and I pointed my gun back at her "now run before I change my mind" she began walking off and I kinda regret not letting her stay for a bit, I needed a friend. "Wait!"
She stopped in her tracks and turned around, "here" I got back up and walked over to my truck to grab some period stuff, "just in case you ever get low" she smiled again "I'm brogan by the way" I put my hand out and she hesitated for a moment before shaking it "I'm Enid" we kind of stood there in silence for a moment, see you around brogan" she had this thing about her smile and it made me blush. She was soon off again and I just stood there.

Day 220, still no sign of them and it kills me. I should have asked that girl I met last week if she had seen anyone. The weathers great and it's making me more at peace or some shit I guess... I still have hope.

I placed a cd into the car sterio and began driving down a long rode. I hadn't seen anyone since last week and I was kinda sick of it. I hated the loneliness, it was like a shadow that never left no matter where the sun shone. I drove down the road. I pulled up to this field next to the road... it was a huge empty field so I blasted my music as load as I could (good girls by Ellie king was the best song to play when the lonely feeling sinks in) I found a few stores last week that meant that I could grab more food and clothes and water which was great, I even grabbed a chair and a few books. I put the chair on the side of the car and set up a little area for myself. "Excuse me miss, I mean no harm" I grabbed a shot gun and pointed it at th man standing behind me. He was wearing a plaid shirt and a blue jacket over the top. "You have a place don't you?" He had his hands up and looked kinda scared of me "how did you know?" I looked him up and down as I stood up and took my lolly out of my mouth and resting my gun on my shoulder "well... for starters your hairs neat and freshly trimmed, clothes have no stains or a single bit of dirt on then and your shoes have been freshly shined...nice Rolex by the way... what do you want" he looked down at his wrist and I put the lolly back in my mouth "my names Aaron, I live in a small community called Alexandria, we've been looking for people like you to join us. People who can survive and out last this world." He handed me some photos out of his bag and I looked at them carefully. "Come with us" I handed him the photos back "us?" He pointed at the car and there was a small scrawny guy sitting there waving "boyfriend?" He nodded and I put my chair back in the back of my truck. I shoved the gun under his chin and he soon began shaking "If your planning on fucking me over, then this gun Is gonna be shoved so far up your ass the when I pull the trigger...the bullets gonna go through your heart. Got it?" "Yes yes I get it" He was sweating and I quickly put the gun over my shoulder and smiled at him before skipping back to the car "I'll follow you"

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