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"We're here" I hopped out of my truck and stood with my gun in my hand. "What are you doing?" I didn't know what to expect with these people.they looked like they couldn't hurt a fly but you never know anymore, people do a lot of things just for that extra boost up. "What? You expect me to skip into the gates which I don't know what's behind?" I felt like a dick but I didn't care anymore. I learnt along time ago that it's stupid to be easy but too stupid to be paranoid, so I put my gun in my holder and kept my hand on it at all times. It was weird to be honest, I haven't seen so many people in one community and that's exactly what I walked into. It was scary not gonna lie. All these fresh faces and these happy family's all together with no trouble what so ever. Hard to believe was more like it.

"Diana is waiting for you at the end of my street". People were walking out of their nice houses and only now did I look like the outsider. "Hey you must be new" I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to face them. "I'm Ron, Aaron said that he found a pretty face awhile back"I hated people like him, you know... the type who touch your arm to be nice and compliment you really fast... just no. "Get off me" he slowly moved his hand down my arm and back into his jeans. He kept smiling but my smile faded. "Just trying to be nice" he rubbed my arm again and I wanted to kill him"Touch me again and I'll rip your nails off and feed them to the birds" his mouth dropped open and I walked off down the street.Where a lady was waiting outside for me "You Diana?" I took the Lolly out of my mouth and put it into the bin but she just smiled. "Yes I'm Diana" We carried on walking until we walked into a large office that was clean and brand new. I couldn't help but stare in aw at it all. "Please take a seat" I waked over to the chair and sat down on its pristine white cushion

"So tell me about your self"she began to mess with a a camera before sitting opposite to me. "What's there to tell?" She laughed a little but I didn't know what to make of it. "Everything... past life, new life, friends and family, anything to do with you." She was different from all the other people I've met so far. She was... nicer. "Well I used to live with my mom and her two brothers and when this started I was by myself. A few things happened throughout the journey but I found people every so often. Nice and.. not so nice." She looked actually interested in me for once and I liked it. I hadn't had a real conversation in ages. "Did you get split up from your mom and uncles?" "Erm... well my mom had a form of dementia and my uncles looked after me after her passing. I got split up from both of them but found one of them a while ago, he had a group and they looked after me. We were a family kind of." I really wanted to hug him, or Elisha or Carl. Just a friendly face would be nice "were they all survivors like you?" "Survivors isn't the word anymore...  when this started, the only thing you could trust was people... but then you get hungry and lonely and the survival instincts kick in... until you surround yourself with people... then every move you did against someone begins to make you sound crazy and dangerous" we sat in silence for a moment "There are a few rules that come along with this place... you must attend classes with the rest of the kids until your 18 and you must be kind and willing to help." I nodded at her and looked down at my dirt ridden hands "you better go clean up" I looked up at her, does that mean? "Your house is a23" she gave me a huge grin and I smiled back at her before skipping out the house like a little kid.

A243... I slowly walked onto the porch where the benches and the flower pots lay. I didn't know whether to go in or not. It would mean that im giving up but I don't know if I want to fight anymore... I was too tired and this could have been my break... I slowly grabbed the handle and twisted it , the fresh scent of a new home hit my like a wet cloth.
I slipped off my shoes and slowly walked around looking at every detail with it. The fire place was dusty and the sofas had cloth covering them, I yanked them off and put them in a pile. "Hello?" I turned around slowly and looked at the open door. "Hi I'm Luke, my family live two houses down, Diana wanted me to bring you these" he had brown wavy hair and had this cute little grin on his face, "thanks" I gave him a smile before grabbing the hamper off of him. "We're throwing a party tonight at Diana's, you should come and meet the resort the gang" I bit the inside of my lip as I tilted my head. "I don't know, I kinda wanna settle down before I cause any problems" he had these freckles on his cheeks that were symmetrically both sides and don't even get me started on his jawline.... let's just say, he was pretty sexy in my mind. " you don't seem like the type of girl to start a fight" HA try me "I better get back, it was nice meeting you err? I never got your name" "it's brogan, see you around Luke" he smiled at me again before walking back to his house with a smile on him face.... I could get used to him.

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