Theres nothing wrong with you

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I wasn't going to act pitiful towards myself, I wasn't. She's dying and everyone wants me to try and live without her for a few days so they know I can deal with it, and I can it's just... she just there without me and it's breaking my heart. Rick came and spoke to me and told me that if she's still not dead by Friday then we can have a bonfire. He didn't  say it like that he said and I quote "she's a fighter and she isn't going to give up now, and we're gonna celebrate that on Friday if she's any better" but that basically meant the version I said. I was allowed to see her for an hour a day to check up on her which made this all easier but it's still not easy. .

"Morning Braxton" I wanted to strangle him every time he said that. "I told you not to call me that, Carl" he loved teasing me, "you eaten yet?" I shook my head, eating had slipped my mind lately "here" he threw me a breakfast bar and I put my hat down on the side."you don't have to keep checking up on me you know, I can handle myself" he rolled his eyes which made me wanna kill him more "I'm just looking out for you brogan" lately everyone kept making sure that I was okay, as if I was the one who was ill and  not Elisha, I was fine, I understood everything and I was going to be fine... they need to see that. I stormed over to the balcony and looked over at the view. "What's wrong?" I really wanted to kill him right now "I'm fine" I wasn't fine I was pissed "you sure." No I'm not sure can't you tell you handsome prick "yes Carl, I'm good" I gotten up here a bit too late today as the colours were barely visible, I began eating my brunch bar and looked down at all the things below me.

"Are you sure your not mad?" I wanted to scream at him but I didn't want to start and argument "Carl, if you really thought that there was something wrong then why would you keep asking me" I walked back into the room as it's hard to stand still when your mad. "Because I know things, when a girl says she's fine there's a 50% chance you've done something to make them mad" Beth probably told him that "it's complicated" he was right though and he had just set me off on something I didn't really wanna talk about. "You can tell me you know" I nodded at him, it's not that I couldn't it's just that he wouldn't understand " Carl if I wanted to talk about my feelings with you I would but your you and I'm me so I don't really think you pestering me is going to help" the door downstairs opened and I heard fast foot steps coming up the stairs "you two need to come with me" Glenn looked really happy about something "I thought you were sick" he started running down the stairs again and we followed

"What's going on Glenn and why are we here, we're not to one down here anymore" we were speed walking through corridors and making our way closer to the group of people surrounding Elishas cell... panic was one of the many things that I could feel right now. I scooted past rick and carol and looked over to the bed, darylwas sitting with her on the bed as she jumped up and down. I was in shock, I thought...I knew she wasn't going to make it but here she was dancing around on the bed. "Elisha?" She quickly turned her head and ran towards me with open arms and her big goofy smile. "Mommy, your magic kiss worked" I felt my eyes water up as I hugged her tightly in my arms. "We'll give you two a moment, but we need to talk to you after." I nodded at Daryl and soon after it was just me and Elisha "why are you crying?" She put her tiny hands on my face and wiped my tears "Did Carl make you cry, I'll go teach him a lesson mommy" I chuckled at her as she began to climb off the bed before I grabbed her "no no no, I'm just happy that my magic worked on you" she started messing with my necklace but I watched as Beth was outside picking flowers "hey why don't you get some flowers from outside, Beth can help you make a flower crown" she nodded her head and I put her down, she ran out the corridor and I smiled as I walked out the room to the others "how is this happening?" I looked at the other but they all went blank "we have no idea, but all the later ones all seem to be doing better, she isn't fully fine yet but I doubt she will get any worse." she happy,alive and well.... that's all I wanted. "Well if you don't mind me then I'm gonna go and find out where she's ran off to" I nodded at them as I began walking out of the prison...

Elisha was sitting with Beth on the grass and Carl walked next to me "how you feeling?" I jumped a little at his voice cause of the trance I was in. "I'm good, hey I was wondering... you wanna come with me tomorrow, I found this cool place and I have spare gas just in case we run out this time" he smirked at me, I didn't know why but he made me nervous, like really nervous. "Yeah, yeah that sounds great" he smiled at me for a moment and I felt my heart sink... what am I saying, WHY am I thinking this. "Mom look what I did" I quickly turned around and bent down to Elishas height, she held a flower crown out for me "thanks sweet heart" she then looked at Carl and signalled for him to get to her level "Carl, come here" he did as she suggested and bent down to her height, "GOT IT" she quickly grabbed his hat and started running away from him as he began to chase her, she was laughing loudly in a way that I had never heard before, and he was smiling all sweet and innocent "come here you" he put her over his shoulders and made his way back over here, i looked over to the gate, something didn't feel right anymore... and I wasn't the only one to feel it.

"Beth!" She was standing at the fence as I saw it come closer and I quickly grabbed her and started running back up here, that's when the tank came in...

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