(Long) new day

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Okay so there's gonna be a lot of Carl and brogan from now on.... I has a  plan✨😊✨
Dont play song yet
"Mommy mommy!" The room was black and I could barely see. My attention had arisen and was now purely on Elisha cry. I shifted the blanket and sprinted my way across the room."mommy!" Elisha was screaming for me, each shout more vigorous then the one before, more powerful and sorrowful then before. "I'm here I'm here" I wrapped my arms around her tiny shivering body until her screams became less daunting. "Your okay now hun" I swayed her from side to side as she wiped her tears on my shirt, I didn't mind. I stood up and carried her into my room and lay her next to me on the bed, wrapping her in the worm area of the sheets from where I had lay down prior. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and lay next to her as she slowly fell back to sleep.

These nights had soon become more common, hence why I don't sleep anymore...there were nights where it didn't happen which soon fell into the patten of once every other day but sometimes things would change...I didn't know how to deal with it or even get an idea of how to stop them or make them easier for both of us. I had Luke's mom about them and she just said that there's no way of knowing when or how to get rid of them and that they pass over time... this wasn't helpful. Some nights she would go straight back to sleep in her bed and sometimes she would have to sleep in mine, but either way she never remembered it in the morning.

It was 1:45am and I was sitting on a chair in my room waiting for her to notion for help. II was facing the window looking out at the street below me. It's fine strands of nature swayed from side to side in sink with the wind. The street was empty, filled with ghost like houses with blacked out windows. The sky was a crisp navy blue with hints of white from where the flows were passing though; hinting the soon to be rain that's going to be upon us soon... "brogan?" I looked behind me to Luke lying in my bed, sleepily calling my name. "Hmm?" He huffed a little before turning back around to face the other side of the room "what?" He let out one more sigh and just lay there... what was his problem? Tonight was one of the nights that she would have her night terrors but luckily for me Diana suggested some sleeping pills which used to help her boy through it when he was younger.

I must have closed my eyes for what felt like a second before waking up to Elisha on my lap. "Hi mommy" she rapped her arms around me and i hugged her back. "Have you eaten?" I guess the pills work. She shock her head as I picked her up off of my lap to stand her up "okay, go down stairs and I'll make you some porridge" she nodded her head again before running down the stairs. Pattering her feet with every step. I slowly crawled my way onto the bed lay my head on his chest. "Morning" he gave me a long winded hug before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Morning beautiful" I placed a leg on both sides of his body and kissed his neck "so Daryl is having Elisha tonight" he was basically still asleep. I then kissed the top of his chest "which means that I have the house to myself" I sat up a tiny bit more and gave him a kiss on the centre of his chest; trailing my way down (don't worry... no smut just yet). He muffle a "go on" which was a better response then last time. "Which gave me an idea of what we could do tonight" he soon had a boost of energy as he turned me over so he's on top. "I think that would be great" he gave me his big quirky smile causing me to laugh as he kissed the side of my neck "but sadly you e got to wait till tonight" I crawled my way from his grip and made my way to the door... "breakfast is in 10"

Later on
"Carl!" She let go of my hand and sprinted her way over to Carl, making a jump as she tried to land in his arms. "Hey Elisha, you been okay?" He grabbed her before she fell and squeezed her in his large arms. They seemed to get bigger, more muscles than before. STOP LOOKING AT HIS MUSCLES BROGAN, YOU HAVE A MUSCLY LUKE IN YOUR BED. "Brogan?" I looked up to see the two of them looking at me, "earth to brogan" he placed down Elisha next to Judith's pram and we all stood there for a moment "what?" He tilted his head and smirked at the ground whilst mumbling something "you taking her to class?" We both began walking in the same direction, the streets were quiet today; the only sound you could hear was the wheels on the pushchair. "Diana wants have her for today" Diana was like family to me, I came to her with all my problems and she even let me help with keeping this place structured and stable. "Can I push Judith?" He nodded his head and let go of the pushchair and let Elisha grab a hold of it. "Why does she want Elisha for?" Who knows... probably teaching her how to run this place. She probably could to be honest. "After I told Diana about my education, she wanted to test Elisha to see if she's the same as me." I barely spoke about it that much or even at all. Enid knows and so does Daryl but that's it.  "Mommy, can I have baby" baby was the name of her doll that she had in her room, she loved it "like a real baby mom, I want a baby" I began laughing at her little line of wits, she was so young and naive that it's cute. "You can't for a while Elisha"... "can you have a baby,please?" Carl's eyes were on me and I could see the smirk on his face "not for a long time Elisha... like... really long time" she pouted her face and crossed her arms, I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms at her back before she trotted off in front of us. She wasn't that far in front, just a couple steps.

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