Finaly whole

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The time had seemed to stop as I was constantly looking at the watch on my bottle capped wrist. Luke was standing next to me where as Arron had left to go grab some food with his husband whom I had never learnt the name of. "You can go if you want, grab something to eat... it's not like I won't see you soon" I looked over to him as we stood in silence. "It's okay, I wanna be here to see the rest of them" he put his arm around my waist and I leant on his shoulder "how many are left?" I sighed as I felt a yawn building up "just Elisha and Daryl, Carl already left with Judith when I was taking Maggie" I looked over to the trees in the corner of Alexandria and watched as the sun was beginning to set, each interview takes about 20 minuets and it takes Diana 10minuets to set up eat one... which meant that we had been doing this for hours "I just wanna go bed soon" that's when I heard her...

I tipped my arms tighter and stood waiting for her to walk out that door. "You can sleep soon princess" I gripped my  arms tighter; feeling a slight pinch in my skin from where I had dug my nails in. "You can soon princess" I began tapping my foot on the ground as I stood as patiently as a person could, waiting for them to walk out that door. "Watch our ste-... braxton?" I lowered my body down to Elisha's hight as she ran into my arms, she was so much taller then last time and so much more beautiful then I ever knew a person could be "mommy your back" I squeezed her so tight... I soon felt a larger part of arms rap around my body and I soon felt like I was home..."I've missed you" he pulled away to look at me and I felt the tears stream down my face in sink with his, "I've missed you lot more" I picked Elisha up in my arms and they all began following me to the house, I gave Luke a nod and he smiled before walking off. "You can have the house next time mine if you want, it's big enough but not to spacey" Elisha kissed me on the cheek and rested her head on my shoulder making me feel never more in love with her then I was before. "As long as it's better then the crap shack we used to live in, then I think I'll be happy" I liked the old house or crap shack as Daryl called it, it was home... with or without the mold on the walls.

"Do you want us to come in with you?" Me and Elisha stood outside as he began to look around the inside of the house. "I think I'm good" I gave him a brief nod and a smile before leading Elisha to the main door, "this is going to be our new home okay?" I placed my hands on her eyes and unlocked my front door, "I'm ready mommy" I lifted my hands of her soft skinned face and watched as she gazed at the house, running laps around the table, touching everything she could reach. I loved it. "You want to see your room?" She gave me a heavy nod before running up the stairs... "hello?" I heard a heavy knock on the door, the voice was different then normal. "Come on in" the door opened slowly and I turned around. To face them... "hey cowboy" his mouth soon dropped and I couldn't help but smile, "oh my god... your alive!" He speed walked over to me before picking my up in his arms. He was a lot taller then the last time I saw him, and his voice was much deeper... "could say the same for you" we kind of stood there for a moment in silence just smiling. "I don't get how this has happened".. I walked over to the couch and sat on the arm rest. He soon followed and at opposite me. "What do you mean?" ..... "all of us back together even though we all get separated... who was Elisha with?" Speak of the devil... Elisha an down the steps again with a Teddy bear in her hand, I picked her up and she sat on my lap. "Well you sort of" I had no clue what he meant. Did she stay with me when I was unconscious? "I don't get it?" A faint laugh escaped his lips and he looked at me and Elisha "ell me and my dad were by ourselves for about a week after the prison raid... we found some houses and thought it would be a good idea to stay there till my dad wasn't injured. Later that day I heard a scream, and it just so happened to be Elisha who had locked herself in a car." I rapped my arms around her small body and kissed the top of her head a few times "she said that you had thought her what to do and that's how she found me" she jumped off my lap and I looked over to the clock "I better go by the way, it's getting late and my dad wants me back soon... he wanted me to tell you that he wants everyone staying at the house tonight" I nodded my head and opened the door as he made my way out. There were afew things I still wanted to say to him and the words waited hesitantly on the tip of my tongue "Carl, thank you... for Elisha" he turned around and smiled before making his way to his house. I don't know why I struggled to get myself to say that so much... I just did.

At ricks house

The time was 02:09, I don't know why it matters but it does. Everyone was flat out... I should know as I stayed up till now to make sure of it. The only noise that could be heated was the slow beat of everyone's chest and the slow breaths they were inhaling and exhaling repeatedly. 02:10 . I couldn't sleep, I had no clue why I couldn't as I was lying in a pretty comfy spot but I just couldn't. I moved my legs inwards and stood myself up. Creeping past every person lying near me before making my way up stairs. The house was a lot larger then mine but it didn't bother me, my house only needed to fit 2. As I made my across the hallway, I noticed the sound of breathing coming from one of the rooms ;being the nosey person that I am, I looked in. "Carl?" He turned around and stared for a moment as I made my way closer to him. "What are you doing up here?" This was his first day here and if that was me then I would have gone straight to sleep. He took a pause before answering, a sigh escaped his lips. "My mom always wanted a house like this, she would always drive past them and stare before we left the street... It's just not right not having her here when we got here, it was her dream you know?" It had been a while since I spoke to someone besides enid about stuff like this, it reminded me of all the times me and Carl would be on watch in the morning "growing up... my mom and her brothers couldn't afford a really nice house, but when she got promoted and became head of the restaurant , we could afford it... me and her moved out into a house identical to the one I have now.but then she got ill and we moved back home... yeah it's not the same and it feels weird but it grows on you" I hadn't noticed until now but Carl had been staring at me this whole time. Even after I looked up, he didn't look away or hide his face like he used to. "What was it like when you first got here, were you with anyone?"....... "lonely... had been in the woods for about 2 months without seeing a single person then I would see someone... but then the cycle continued .It was all strange you know... I went from seeing no one to having all these eyes on me without any control of how they saw me... the nights were the worst for a short while. But then I met Luke and enid and I got close, Ron came around every so often... they turned it into a home." He looked confused by something. "Luke?" I forgot to tell him about Luke, he just slipped my mind with all this going on. "Yeah, he's Ron's brother... we've been dating for a while" he finally took his eyes off of me... but why now. Luke had nothing to do with him or anyone else. " two serious" There was a long pause. We had been seeing each other for a long time now but it didn't feel the same but I didn't say anything... he had been here for less then a day and I didn't want to put this on him right now. I looked back out the window and looked out towards Luke's house which was in clear site. "I don't know anymore"

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