Chapter 1

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*Kelly’s POV* 

“Our photographers are sick, can you and Erin come in? We have a big photo shoot booked for this morning in the studio and using the surroundings,” my boss told me over the phone. I opened my bedroom window to let in the gorgeous cool Sydney breeze. 

“Ummm that should be fine. I’ll just check with Erin,” I replied. I grabbed a pillow and went into Erin’s room and threw a pillow at her. “Erin you up for doing a shoot in an hour?” 

“Arghhh sure I guess,” she groaned into her pillow. 

“We’ll be there Trent,” I told him. 

“Great. I won’t be there but it’ll be open because Ellen will be in.” 

“Ok then. Bye.” 


I jumped straight into the shower, happy to see Erin was still in bed so she wouldn’t try and steal the hot water. I straightened my hair before I got out of the bathroom, after Erin practically beat down the door for me to get out. 

Erin Paterson is my best friend. We live in Sydney, Australia and work as photographers with a big studio. We’ve taken photos of heaps of celebrities and have made so many unexpected friends along the way. Erin's really good friends Ariana Grande, and I'm good friends with Kendall and Kylie Jenner, and both of us are close with the Little Mix girls, just to name a few. 

We live together in a quaint double story house, relatively close to Sydney Harbour. It’s perfect. We love it here. We’re both originally from Perth, Western Australia but moved over here to start our careers. We’re both 18, Erin’s a little taller than me though and older by a few months. She’s got reddish blonde hair which really suits her, while my hair is more of a caramel colour. We’re super duper close and currently, sadly, both single. 

“Erin I don’t know what to wear!” I pouted. 

“Wear your new high-waisted shorts, white converse and your black ‘Kiss Me’ tank!” she called out to me from the bathroom. 

“Thanks!” I shouted back to her. 

I took out those clothes and put them on. My black ‘Kiss Me’ shirt was a loose almost wife-beater kinda style singlet, I’ve worn it all the time since I got it. I slipped on some of my wristbands and my silver double ‘love’ ring, and put on some eye liner, foundation and nude lipgloss. Grabbing my handbag and camera bag I ran down to the kitchen. 

“Erin hurry up we only have 20 minutes till the shoot starts!!” I exclaimed. 

“I’ll be down in a sec!” 

I snatched an apple, grapes and a bottle of water out of the fridge and stuck the grapes and water in my bag and took a bite of the apple. I hesitated before yet again going into the fridge and grabbing the white chocolate dipping sauce from my grapes. 

“I’m ready!” Erin shouted as she bounded down the stairs. I threw an apple and a bottle of water in her direction and she caught them and I picked up the keys and ushered her out of the house. 


“Erin slow down!!” 

Erin had taken off into the studio leaving me tailing behind. 

“Erin!!” I called out to her but it was no use, she was too far away. I pushed the doors aside as I rushed to get inside. We were ten minutes late for the shoot and if Trent found out we’d be dead. “Erin!!” 

“Hah I beat you!” she exclaimed in delight, jumping up and down as I finally reached the studio room. I dropped my bags carefully before collapsing on the ground with my hands above my head, trying to catch my breath. “Little out of breath hey?” she smirked. 

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words (5SOS fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora