Chapter 2

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*Kelly’s POV* 

“Alright I’m heading off to work Kel! I’ll see you later!” Erin called out to me as she walked out of the house and to the cafe where she worked. 

“Ok! See ya!” 

I slumped back onto the couch and flicked through the channels, despite how boring they all were. After a couple of hours I was sick of the television. 

“Screw you TV,” I turned it off and looked around for something to do. Just as I was considering going to bed early, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw the notification. 

‘Cal <3: Hey Kelly, finally got back home from me and the boys very busy day :P how are you?’ 

My heart fluttered at the fact he’d messaged me. 

“Oh my gosh Kelly calm down you only just met the guy,” I said to myself. I unlocked my phone and tried to think of a reply. 

‘To Cal <3: Hey Calum, wow what have you been doing all day to make you stay out for so long? I’m good thanks, a bit bored though :P how about you?’ 

I left my phone for a minute but all I could think about was him. I’m feeling giddy and I keep squealing to myself... oh wow I need to keep it together. 

‘From Cal <3: Well after we left your amazing photo shoot we went to do an interview for a magazine and then had lunch out in the city, a radio interview, and then dinner with Michael’s family. Aww I know that feeling, I hate being bored :P I’m good too thanks :)’ 

‘To Cal <3: Sounds like a full on schedule there. Must be hard not getting much chill time, or alone time. Who likes being bored though? :P’ 

‘From Cal <3: It’s hard sometimes. You don’t always get that private time or are just able to do nothing and laze around. It’s always work work work, especially when we’re on tour. It sucks not always being able to just be a teenager. So true :P’ 

I decided I’d had enough of texting him and I went ahead and called his number. 

“Hey,” he answered the call almost straight away. 

“Hey,” I replied. 

“Texting got too hard for you?” he asked, and I knew he was being silly. 

“Yes absolutely, it’s easier just to hold the phone up to my ear,” I smartly replied. 

“Good argument.” 

“Why thank you.” 


“You know your last text it... it made me realise just how fast paced your life must be. I mean everyone envies you for being famous and all that, but I guess as awesome and amazing as that may be, they don’t see it all,” I said sincerely. 

“Yeah... it’s hard when people ask us why we’re so tired and why we aren’t happier with this lifestyle and all that stuff. It’s like I just wanna tell them ‘it’s not all it’s cracked up to be’ but I don’t wanna seem like I’m being selfish or stupid.” 

“You’re not. Not at all. There’s a big difference between being selfish and stupid and being honest.” 

“I suppose. You’re really sweet you know that. You seem to actually care.” 

“I do.” 

“Well thanks. You know I really had a lot of fun today. It was great meeting you and Erin.” 

“It was great meeting you and the other boys as well. I had fun too,” I blushed. 

We stayed on the phone for another two hours before I said I was getting sleepy. I left the conversation for a minute and went and had a quick shower and got dressed into my pj’s him on the line the entire time. 

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