Chapter 5

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*Erin’s POV* 

“Arghhh... damn you hangovers,” I muttered as I stumbled out of bed. My hangovers are never really bad, if anything a bad headache, which unfortunately is what I have right now. 

“Kelly?” I called out as I went into the kitchen. I found her sitting at the breakfast bar, sipping her hot white chocolate. 

“Panadol’s right in front of you,” she said before I even asked the question of where the Panadol was. 

“Freakin mind reader you are.” But I didn’t complain. I took the Panadol and then when I glanced at the time I died. 

“SHIT!” I shouted. 

“Woah what’s up Erin?” 

“Ashton’s going to be here soon!” I panicked. 

“Hah ok then. Well I’ll make myself scarce. I don’t mind getting to school a little early. Have fun, but not too much fun,” she scolded me. 

“Yes Mum,” I poked my tongue out at her. She merely grinned before picking up her bag and heading out the door. I raced around to get dressed and came back downstairs in my black skater skirt, purple sleeveless crop top and my hair re-straightened, just as Ashton knocked on the door. 

“Hey babe,” he greeted me. 

“Hey,” he pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him back tightly. 

“Well I’ve bought some comedies, some drama, some chick flicks, even horror but I wasn’t sure whether or not you liked them,” Ashton cautiously stated as he sat down on the couch with me. 

“I do, that’s just Kelly.” 

“Ah ok then. Hey um did she say anything about that to you? I was going to talk to her about it last night but I didn’t know what to say.” 

“Oh what happened after I left?” I clarified. 

“Yeah,” he nodded. 

“She texted me. She said she just felt a little out of place there. I mean she was surrounded by four guys by herself.” 

“What does that have to do with it?” he asked. 

“Well usually she’s always with me. She’s very careful, especially when it comes to boys.” 



“Gimme a sec,” I stopped my conversation with Ashton to answer the door. “Calum?” I opened the door to find another 1/4 of 5SOS outside my door. 

“Hey Erin, I was just looking for Kelly,” he explained. 

“She’s not here but come on in,” I motioned for him to join us. 

“Oh I wouldn’t want to intrude on your time together,” he nervously spoke. 

“Calum sit,” I ordered him. He chuckled and sat down on the other couch. 

“So what are you guys talking about?” he asked us. 

“Kelly being careful when it comes to boys,” Ashton jumped in. 

“Ashton!” I slapped his arm. 

“What? Is it supposed to be a secret or something?” he looked at me cluelessly. 

“Never mind,” I rolled my eyes helplessly. 

“She’s careful when it comes to boys?” Calum queried. “Why?” 

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