Chapter 6

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*Ashton’s POV* 

“Hey what are you doing for Christmas?” I asked Erin. Christmas is in two weeks and to be honest I really wouldn’t mind spending Christmas day with Erin. 

“My family’s coming over to visit.” 

“Aww cool. I was gonna say that if you weren’t doing anything you could come with me and have lunch with my family.” 

“Well actually... my parents are flying out that day and they don’t get in until about 4pm. Short planning and no seats messed it all up.” 

“Would you like to come then?” I checked hopefully. 

“I’d love to,” she replied with a grin. 

“Great. So do you wanna maybe go over to my place now? I think the other boys wanna hang out with us,” I proposed. 

“I’d love to. I’ll just grab my stuff,” she ran upstairs while I put on my shoes. “Ok I’m ready,” she called out as the ran down the stairs. She stumbled when she got to the bottom only to fall into my arms. 

“You right there babe?” 

“Y-Yeah I’m fine,” she stuttered. “Let’s go. Oh wait I better write a note to Kelly in case she wonders where I am.” 

She scribbled something on a pad of paper and then the two of us left. 

“Oh boys we’re here!!” Erin shouted when we got inside. 

“Erin!” they both exclaimed, suddenly coming out of the kitchen. They both gave her hugs before letting her have some breathing space. 

“So how has your ‘alone time’ been?” Michael asked with a wink. 

“It was good,” I replied, knowing my cheeks were probably a little red. 

“Naww Ashy Washy’s blushing!” Luke mocked me. My eyes widened at the nickname he gave me. 

“What do you wanna do?” Luke asked Erin. 

“Chill out and talk?” 

We all agreed and sat down on the couches, Erin between Luke and I, Michael by himself. 

“Where’s Calum?” I asked the boys. 

“Dunno, he just disappeared,” Michael said. 

“Yeah he grabbed his keys and got up and left just before 1,” Luke chimed in. 

“Wonder where he went,” Erin added. 

“He’s a big boy he’ll be fine,” I said. Erin rolled her eyes and chuckled at me, hitting my arm. I put my arm around her shoulder and shook her lightly. 

“So what did you do today?” Luke asked us. 

“Watched movies, talked, had a lolly fight,” I replied. 

“Lolly fight?” Michael inquired. 

“He started it!” Erin exclaimed pointing at me. 

“Yeah yeah whatever,” I poked my tongue out at her making her laugh. 

“What have you boys been up to?” Erin asked them. 

“Just lazing around and sleeping in,” Michael answered. 

“Ooh can we go in the pool?!” Erin randomly queried. 

“Sounds good to me,” I agreed. Everyone else nodded and we all put our bathers on and went out back to the pool. 

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