When Men Were Tougher Than The Times

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The old grey hairs at Tim Hortons,
they're screaming again, one is ranting,
spewing their disgust to mingle
with the coffee aromas floating
across the room invading our space.
The 'good old times' (that never were)
and the corresponding eruption of stories
when times were tougher but the men
(and I assume the women) were tougher... hmm...
when men were tougher than the times.
The implication ... Well easy to figure;
Their stories verify their belief:
the next generations have had it soft,
particularly the twenty somethings,
the grandchildren of course,
(a social construction of reality).
"Get out of your parent's basement," they say,
get a job and make your way.
(After all who will pay your old age pension.)
Outside the Beemers and Rovers are parked,
awaiting to carry the old grey hairs away.


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