0.1 I'm Already Dumb Enough

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The group stood outside on the grass, looking out into the hordes of people that came to see them. Lily was in awe. She was used to being the center of attention, growing up with her uncle had made that an everyday occurrence. But when she put on the mask, no one knew who she was, and it didn't matter. They did not care how old she was, only that she was helping save the world. It was a great feeling, to be appreciated for your actions and not your family's wealth.

"Aw man, I knew we would be the last ones here." Lily turned to her left when she heard a new voice join the group. Kid Flash, aka Wally West, aka probably the most annoying yet hilarious guy Lily knew, had shown up with his uncle. The irony never slipped past Lily that the two fastest members of the group were constantly late. Like literally every time.

Since the final members had shown up, they could now walk towards the Hall of Justice. Lily could barely hold in her emotions – something she was never good at. Today was the day. The day they got to see the secret headquarters of the Justice League.

As they got closer to the building the crowds got later and Lily could make out some of the conversations that were louder than the rest. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep a stoic expression as she heard someone call Kid Flash, Flash Boy. She lost focus on the rest of the argument when her uncle leaned over to whisper to her and Speedy.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?"

"Born that way," Roy answered confidently. Lily nodded along, unable to form an answer of her own. She couldn't believe this was happening.

"I'm glad we're all here," Aqualad said to the four other teens.

Lily didn't know much about Aqualad. This was the first time she'd officially met him, which was weird since she'd known the rest of the teens for years. She technically lived with one of them. When he came home.

"Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place before?" Wally asked, the excitement evident in his voice.

"Don't call us sidekicks. Not after today," Roy snapped at him. Lily sent him a glare for being rude, but he ignored her as usual.

She had always considered Roy to be an older brother to her, even if legally they were cousins. Yes, he could be a dick, but he always came through for her in the end.

"Sorry," Wally apologized to the older redhead. "I'm just a little overwhelmed."

His hand went up to rub the back of his neck, a habit he had formed over the years.

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed –hey, why isn't anyone just whelmed?" Robin spoke up for the first time. Unlike with Aqualad, Lily knew everything about him. When they were really little their fathers were close friends so they hung out a lot and they kept in touch after their parents died. It was quite easy since they now lived with billionaires who frequently spend time together. Lily would consider him her best friend.

"Why do you do this stuff? I'm already dumb enough, don't confuse me more." Lily laughed, only half-joking. English wasn't her worst class, but she wasn't great at it either.

Finally, the group entered the doors into the Hall of Justice. Lily's lips parted as she looked up at the enormous statues of the Justice League.

"Oh, maybe that's why," Robin answered his question from before.

Another door slid open and Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado walked through. "Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Shadow. Welcome," Martian Manhunter said before leading the group through the doors labelled "Authorized Personnel Only".

"You now have unlimited access to our gym, our fully stocked gallery, and of course, our library."

Lily looked around the room taking it in. This is what they'd been waiting for. Lily gracefully ran towards the chairs, seeing as there weren't enough for all of them. Just as she had made it to the closest chair, Robin moved her out of the way and took the chair a smug grin on his face. She was about to argue with him for stealing the comfy chair when Batman spoke to the group making her shut up.

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