1.6 I Vote Robin Cause He's More Annoying

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"Pineapple juice," Captain Marvel announced as he handed the glass to Wally. He had a broken arm which got him out of training, and that apparently meant that Captain Marvel would do anything for him. Lily did not get the same treatment. Apparently her "surface wound" was a little deeper than she thought, and needed stitches. Black Canary forced her to sit out of training so she wouldn't pull her stitches.

"Ah, just what the doctor ordered."

Lily glared at him and threw her pencil at him. While he was sipping on pineapple juice, she was being forced to do her homework that was due a week ago.

"Good work everyone, in fact, it's been a very productive week." Black Canary said to the rest of the team. Artemis made a comment about the two sitting on the sidelines. Wally was still drinking the glass of juice and Lily had abandoned her homework to balance a pencil on her nose.

"Hey, arm broken in combat against the Injustice League here," Wally defended himself against Artemis' comment.

"I've really enjoyed being your uh, 'den mother' this week." Black Canary said. Could have just said babysitter.

The zeta tubes announced Zatara's presence. He didn't speak to any of them, but went up to a computer and began typing. The zeta tube then announced the arrival of "Zatanna Zatara".

A girl that looked about Lily's age walked in, giving the group a shy smile.

"Zatanna, this is the Team. Team, this is my daughter, Zatanna."

Lily and M'gann ran up to introduce themselves to the girl along with the rest of the team.

"Welcome to the cave," Kaldur greeted her.

"So, uh, are you joining the team?" Robin asked her. Zatanna didn't get a chance to answer since her father answered for her.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, this is strictly a visit."

Zatara kept talking as the team began using the mindlink.

"Do the rest of you get the impression we're still on probation with Zatara?"

"Not just Zatara, I mean, why is Marvel still hanging around?"

"Because we like having him around."

"You like having him around 'cause he waits on you hand and foot."

"And your point is?"

They began talking about Red Tornado when Lily realized Zatanna was watching them. She then realized they were waving their arms around without having a conversation like crazy people and understood the confused look on her face.

"Are you guys having a psychic conversation? Cause I can't decide if that's cool, or really rude."

"We were talking about Tornado," Superboy admitted. "It's been weeks since his attacks, and the League still hasn't told us anything."

"The League is searching for Tornado."

That's totally stupid. We were the ones who almost died because of him and his siblings, and we can't even go find him?

"Why don't you all take Zatanna on a tour of the cave?" Zatara switched the subject. Lily looked over to Zatana to find the girl with Wolf.

"You're giving a tour? Great!" Captain Marvel walked in with a plate of nachos. Superboy tricked him into giving Wolf a walk so the group could get away without parental supervision.

They walked down the hallway so they could leave when she noticed Zatanna's clothes had changed.

"When did you – how did you -"

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