2.0 There's a First Time For Everything, Right?

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"Did you get everything?" Batman asked M'gann as she and Conner stepped off the Bioship.

"Everything on your list, Batman. Plus groceries."

Lily ran over to check out the snacks.

"Cookie fixin's?" Wally asked.


"Babe, you rock my world."

Artemis and Zatanna walked out of the elevator together and joined the group. The two were talking when Zatara, Batman, and Red Tornado disappeared.

"What just happened?" Lily asked.

They quickly found out that every person over eighteen had disappeared from Earth. All that was left were kids.

The team split up to find as many kids as they could and get them to the schools. The older kids were in charge of taking care of the kids.

Lily found a house with a playset in the yard so she assumed there would be a kid inside. She broke the door open and walked in to hear a kid crying.

A small girl, probably four or five, was curled up in a ball on the floor crying. She cried more when she noticed Lily walk in. She crouched down next to the girl and noticed blood dripping on her arm.

"Who... who are you?" The kid sniffled. Lily gave her a warm smile as she tried to figure out what happened to make her bleed.

"I'm Lily. What's your name?"

"Hannah. Where's my m-mom?" the girl asked.

"She's not here right now, but she's going to come back." Lily hoped she didn't just lie to the kid. "What happened to your arm.

"My mommy was holding me but she dropped me on the house." Lily was confused for a moment before she noticed the dollhouse on the other side of the room. "It really hurts."

Lily looked closer at the wound and realized it would probably need stitches.

"I'm going to bring you to this really cool place and make it stop hurting, okay?" She nodded slowly. She grabbed Lily's hand who led her to the zeta tubes. She punched in a couple of buttons to give Hannah access to the Cave and then brought her in.

She walked into the Cave to see Zatanna and Robin by the computers doing...something. She wasn't sure what.

"Who's that?" Zatanna asked.

"This is Hannah, we're going to go make her arm better before going to the school." She nodded and turned back to the screen.

She brought Hannah to the med-bay and got the stuff out to stitch up the cut.

"Who's your favourite superhero?" Lily asked her as she started to clean the wound. She didn't really know how to numb her arm, so she had to distract her from the pain somehow.

"Wonder Woman." she smiled. "I want to be like her one day."

Lily listened to her talk about how amazing Wonder Woman was as she started to stitch up the cut.

"Are you a superhero?"

"Yep," Lily told her, the girl's eyes filling with awe.

"Do you know Wonder Woman?"

"Yeah, she's really awesome." Lily finished up the stitches and bandaged it up so she wouldn't accidentally open the wound up.

"All better," Lily said as she wiped Hannah's tears away. "Now we got to get you to the school."

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