1.7 No Pressure or Anything

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"Tornado, did you-" Zatara showed up on the screen after the Team had witnessed the League get disintegrated by the invading aliens over the screen.

"Yes Zatara, we saw. Celestial defences have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures."

"Affirmative, see you in the field." Zatara then disappeared, leaving the Team in silence.

"I must join the League," Red Tornado said as he turned around to face them. "We will protect the planet at all costs, but should we fail, the responsibility falls to you."

"No pressure or anything," Lily mumbled under her breath.

"We stand ready," Aqualad's words were confident as he replied to Red Tornado.

"Red Tornado to the Cave. I fear I am all that remains of the League." They watched as an alien ship appeared behind him.

"RT!" Robin yelled out a warning, but it was too late. Just like the rest of the League, Red Tornado was disintegrated before their eyes.

"We are Earth's heroes now."

"What are we waiting for, a theme song?" Conner's words brought a small smile to Lily's face.

"A strategy. Earth's weapons are ineffective, and it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed."

"Checking satellite imagery." Robin brought up a gigantic hologram of the Earth. "Here's where the aliens are now," he said, talking about the red dots spread around the globe.

"This one get lost?" Superboy said. Everyone looked at the red dot up north nowhere near any of the other dots.

"That's Superman's Fortress of Solitude."

"Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?"

"Its power source must've attracted the aliens' attention, at least enough to send out a scout ship to investigate."

"Must be some fortress," Conner muttered. M'gann placed a comforting hand on his arm.

"Conner..." she trailed off.

"No, it's okay. I guess there's a lot about Superman I'll never know. Uh, you know, now."

"We will target this lone ship," Aqualad said.

"Yeah, break it down, build more. Hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo."

Artemis elbowed Wally. "Martian and Kryptonian in the house."

'Ah, heh. Not that all aliens are automatically ugly."

"Nice save," Lily laughed, earning a glare from the speedster.

The Team flew to the ice-cold north where the Fortress of Solitude was. Shadow's outfit was now white, to blend into the snowy landscape. She felt out of place, being used to wearing a completely black outfit for the other missions.

They waited for the perfect moment to strike the ship down. M'gann snuck up on the ship using her camouflage and destroyed part of the ship.

"Communications disabled."

The ship fell to the ground and hit the snow. "Propulsion disabled."

Artemis and Shadow both shot arrows at separate parts of the ship, trapping it in form. It shot lasers at the two in defence and they dove behind the snowy hills to hide. One of the lasers shot right between the two of them causing Lily to flinch.

That was close.

"And ETs are sealed inside."

Aqualad attacked the ship. They tried to unhook the laser thing from the alien ship, but it shot out a laser. Wolf jumped in front of it to save Conner.

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