0.6 Only the Crazy Ones Name Themselves

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The group followed Miss Martian to the hangar where a giant red egg-shaped object sat.

"It's my Martian Bioship!" Miss Martian said proudly. Lily's eyes squinted as she tried to figure out how it flew. Maybe it had some sort of alien technology; she'd seen that before.

"Cute. No aerodynamic, but cute." Wally said.

"It's at rest silly," M'gann giggled. "I'll wake it."

She waved her hand and the egg thing transformed into a huge ship. 

It really was alien tech.

"Well, are you coming?" Lily basically sprinted behind her to get on the ship.

Inside there were two rows of chairs around the edge of the ship with one command chair in the middle.

Lily sat down on one and the chair strapped her in with its seatbelt. "Cool."

"Red Tornado, please open the bay doors."

A second later the huge doors slid open and M'gann flew the ship out.

"Incredible," Robin commented as they stared out of the windows.

"She sure is." Lily looked back to see Wally staring at M'gann as he spoke. "I-I mean the ship! Which like all ships, is a she."

Lily couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips. Wally didn't find it as amusing as she did and kicked the back of her chair. She gasped dramatically and spun around. She kicked his leg back, beginning a small war. 

"Fast with his feet, not so much with his mouth," Robin said. The kicking stopped as Wally paused to look over at him.


Lily couldn't stop laughing. Wally gave one last kick making her yelp in pain and turn around. "Fine I'll stop, it's not funny."

Still, the smile didn't leave her lips.

"He doesn't seem to like me much," M'gann sounded upset. Lily followed her and Robin's eyes to see they were looking at Superboy. Wally leaned in to join their conversation.

"You guys remember he has super hearing, right?" Wally stage whispered. Superboy acted like he couldn't hear the conversation behind him and continued staring out the front window.

"Hey, how about showing us some Martian shapeshifting?" Robin quickly changed the subject.

Miss Martian stood up and shapeshifted into a feminine version of Robin. She spun around and did the same for Kid Flash.

"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?" Wally said.

"I want to say the answer is yes."

"Impressive. But you know you're not exactly going to fool anyone with those."

"Mimicking boys is a lot harder."

Lily felt eyes on her and turned to see Robin looking at her. "Oh, hey! Mimic me."

M'gann transformed into an exact replica of Lily, who clapped for her. 

"Sweet! That could come in handy one day."

She transformed back to herself and sat down in her chair.

"What about you're clothes?"

"They're organic, like the ship. They respond to my mental commands," Miss Martian explained the question.

"As long as they're the only ones," Superboy said angrily from the front of the ship.

"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?" Wally asked excitedly.

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