2.3 Happy New Year

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"We have reason to feel proud of yesterday's victories, but one thing has not changed," Aqualad spoke as they walked down the Cave hallway.

"Somehow, the bad guys are still getting intel about us."

"Yeah, but at least we know none of us are the mole," Wally said. They walked into the room to find Batman and Red Tornado waiting.

"That's correct, the mole was Red Arrow." Lily's mouth opened up and her chest tensed up. Roy would never betray them, she's known him for years.

"Batman, that cannot be. He was Green Arrow's protégé. We have all known him for years."

"Unfortunately, the Roy Harper we have known for the last three years in another Project Cadmus clone."

How did she not know this? How did Oliver not know it?

"We learned the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick. The clone was pre-programmed with a drive to join the Justice League, which is why he was so angry over any delays to his mission and why he refused to join the Team.

"This Roy Harper has no idea he was a clone or a traitor, and his subconscious programming drove him to become League worthy/ So he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted, his secondary programming kicked in and he attempted to betray the League to Vandal Savage. Fortunately, I had already deducted Red Arrow was a clone; we were prepared."

Lily felt sick and felt like she had to sit down. Her mind raced, thinking about everything she remembered about Roy. But it wasn't actually him.

"Savage was subdued," Red Tornado continued. "But Red Arrow escaped. He is now a fugitive, armed and dangerous."

"If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus..." Superboy trailed off.

"What...what happened to the real Roy?" Robin asked hesitantly. Lily really didn't want to know the answer.

"We don't know. He isn't at Cadmus, we have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper is dead."

Lily looked down, tears forming in her eyes.

"The clone Roy, the Team will find him."

"Negative, Red Arrow's a member of the Justice League now. Leave him to us." Batman pressed his comm before turning back to them. "I'm needed at the Watchtower. Tornado, stay with the kids."

"We're not really going to listen to him, right?" Lily used the mind link so Red Tornado couldn't overhear. Aqualad shook his head slightly.

"Clone or no clone, Red Arrow was one of us. We will go after him."

Red Tornado walked up behind him and reached out as if he was going to touch Kaldur's neck, but he suddenly shut down.


"What happened to him?"

"He's totally powered down."

"All functions offline."

Well that's terrific.

"Guys, I'm sensing a low-level mystic force at play. I-I don't know if it caused his shutdown, but now that I think about it, I was getting the same buzz off Batman."

"Batman. He called us kids, he never does that." Robin was right. Something was off about this.

Wally reached down and grabbed something out of Red Tornado's hand.

"One of those bio-tech chips we confiscated off of Cheshire."

"Something is not right. Robin, Kid, Zatanna, Rocket, see if you can get Red Tornado back online. The rest with me to find Ro-Red Arrow."

Lily followed him out of the Cave along with Conner, Artemis, and M'gann.

"Computer logs indicate Red Arrow zeta'd to the Hall from the Watchtower, but he could be anywhere now."

"After Roy went solo, he installed equipment catches in several major cities. One is here."

Aqualad and Shadow left the Bioship and entered the apartment, the rest staying behind. They opened the door to Roy aiming an arrow at the two.

"We have not come to harm, or apprehend you, but the Team requires answers."

"Me first. Tell me something you haven't told anyone else. Tell me who broke your heart."

Lily felt like she shouldn't have been there, but she didn't leave.

"Tula. The girl I loved chose my best friend, Garth, over me, while my best friend on the surface world aims an arrow at my chest."

Roy seemed to accept the answer and lowered his bow. Lily maneuvered around Kaldur to walk over to Roy. She hugged him, but he didn't reciprocate.

"This isn't your fault, it's Cadmus'. You had no control over it." She said quietly. He eventually wrapped his arms around her.

He followed them back to the Bioship and they joined the rest of the group.

"We were told you were the mole, but we have reason to doubt."

"Forget the doubt; I was the mole," Roy admitted.

"Batman and Red Tornado said you're a Cadmus clone like me."

"That explains it. I was a sleeper agent preprogrammed to infiltrate the League. I think..." he trailed off as he thought back. "Sportsmaster was my handler. He had a key phrase –broken arrow - that could shut me down, put me in a hypnotic state to steal secrets for his superiors or incorporate further programming. I'd then carry out all orders subconsciously, completely unaware of what drives me. I think one of those orders was to focus suspicion on the three of you. I'm sorry."

"How did Batman discover this and prevent you from betraying the League?"

"He didn't."

Well that's great. The League was infiltrated. There was no one they could trust.

"Miss Martian, are you in range?"

The rest of the team – along with Black Canary, Red Tornado, and another android boarded the Bioship. Black Canary was gagged and tied up.

"So, what's the plan?" Lily asked.

"RT did it."

They were in the Watchtower, which would have been exciting if it were under different circumstances.

"Wirelessly bypassed security for us as soon as we arrived. Savage shouldn't know we're here."

"Move out."

At Aqualad's order, they split up and ran. Their goal was to use Cure-tech to rid the Leaguers of Vandal's control. With everyone's held, they managed to take down most of the members quickly.

Lily maneuvered around Hawkwoman as she attacked her and placed the Cure-tech on her neck. The Leaguer collapsed to the ground, now unconscious. She then ran to the "main" part of the Watchtower, where the zeta tubes were. She made it in time to watch Klarion and Savage disappear into a red portal.

Red Tornado laid on the floor, his arms and legs ripped off, but he still had the ability to speak.

"Congratulations team. You have won the day."

Then a song came on over the intercom and announced that it was the New Year.

Lily leaned over and kissed Robin quickly before pulling back. "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year," he said with a smile.

Published: 04/18/23

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