1.4 Damn it, I Really Like This Jacket

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The Team sat at a table as Aqualad spoke to Batman on the sideline. They were still angry about the Red Tornado and siblings thing so things had been a little tense.

"Thanks, but no thanks," Wally said as Oliver placed a bowl of pretzels on the table.

"Yeah, what we want are answers, about Red Tornado and his siblings."

"Exactly!" Wally said. Oliver went to grab the bowl o take the snack away, but Wally quickly grabbed it. "Leave the bowl."

Lily reached over to grab a handful of pretzels before Wally ate them all. He glared at her and moved the bowl away.

"You knew?" Superboy shocked Lily when he suddenly snapped for no reason. She was pretty sure no one had said anything to piss him off.

He got up and slammed Aqualad against the wall.

"That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!" And the rest of us, but whatever.

"Conner, what are you doing?"

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing."

Lily looked at their leader shocked. What's with everyone and lying all of a sudden?

"You knew?"

"And you didn't tell us?"

"I sought to protect the team from -" Aqualad didn't get a chance to defend himself since the team started yelling.

"Protect us from what? Knowledge that might have saved our lives?"

"You almost died." Conner looked over at M'gann.

"Enough." Batman silenced everyone with one word. "With Red Tornado missing the Team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."

"I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys."

Great another babysitter.

Conner was whispering something to Aqualad, Lily assumed it was a threat considering the anger on Conner's face.

"Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League, that makes him a League responsibility. You will leave him to us."

Lily sighed with disappointment. She really wanted to get revenge on those androids for nearly drowning her.

"I have another assignment for this team."

"Gotham mayor attacked by Guerrilla Gorilla?" She frowned as Wally read the article out loud.

"Was this the only thing he could find to distract us?" Conner said through the mind link.

"Batman, please tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase?" Robin questioned his mentor.

"I never joke about the mission." Batman's tone was strict and Lily watched Robin's eyes widen before he looked away. "I've checked the sources, I've studied the patterns. Mayor Hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents."

Lily didn't feel bad for thinking the guy got what was coming for him. He was hunting animals for sport, which automatically made him a terrible person.

"Aqualad, you and your team will depart for India and check this out."

Aqualad nodded and Lily took that as a sign they were ready to leave. She headed for the Bioship and heard Wally scoff behind her.

"Your team."

Lily rolled her eyes. She might jump out of the bioship if she had to listen to them complain the entire time.

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