2.1 Wow, I Guess Christmas Miracles Really Do Happen

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Life was pretty boring for the next month or so. They had a couple of missions, including one where they got to team up with the Justice League. Besides Wally, who was sent on a solo mission to save an actual Queen.

Lily had been officially cleared for missions for that. She had gone on 'unofficial' missions, but for the team up she actually had Batman tell her she could go. So that was exciting.

But, she was once again on an unofficial mission that Robin had brought them on. He told the team that Batman had sent them on the mission, but she knew better.

Haly's Circus was the circus that he grew up in. Apparently, Haly was being accused of stealing from weapon plants, and Robin wanted to clear him.

"Dames en heren! Mesdames et messieurs! Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Haly International Travelling Circus, where the world is your oyster, and these are our latest pearls! The Daring Dangers. Dan Danger, Dawn Danger, Diane Danger, Daeva Danger, Dave Danger, and Dean Danger!"

They had all made up fake names so they could become an act on the show, which Lily wasn't much of a fan of. She was walking on the tightrope, and constantly felt like she was going to fall. She knew that she wouldn't, but she still had the fear inside.

"You'll never see another trapeze act like this folks, and all performed without a net."

As if his words were a curse, Lily watched as Robin's hand didn't quite reach M'gann's and he began to fall.

"Robin!" Lily screamed, luckily remembering to use the mind link. She had been close enough to the platform so she could step off before she fell.

"Don't blow our cover!"

"But saving your life's okay?" Conner threw one of the barrels he had been juggling into the air. It lifted Robin up enough for M'gann to use her telekinesis and grab his hand.

"What did I just say?" he lectured her as if he hadn't been near his own death moments earlier. Lily felt her chest loosen up and she felt like she could breathe again.

"The crowd couldn't see me use telekinesis from below. Besides, I've been using it all night. I'm not exactly the acrobat you are," M'gann confessed as they finished up the act.

"Yeah, neither am I right now. I think I caught that 24-hour bug that's been going around the circus, but the show must go on."

"Put your hands together for the Daring Dangers!"

Lily waved to the crowd before they went backstage as the next act entered.

"Haly, what's the deal? Giving the top slot to those Danger kids."

"That's our slot." The two complained to Haly. Lily tried to discretely listen to the conversation.

"Was your slot until you missed that performance in Paris."

"Carlos was sick, but he's better now. Plus, those Dangers' are a sham. They say they're brother and sisters; they don't even look alike."

Lily wondered if they had ever heard of adoption.

"Nah, you just don't like the competition." Haly defended them as he pushed through the two and walked away, soon stopped by another man. They didn't seem to have a friendly conversation since Haly stormed off and the guy walked over to them.

"Faraday, Interpol." He pulled out a badge, basically shoving it into their face to prove he wasn't lying. "New act?"

"Yeah, just joined the tour."

"Probably clears you, but don't get comfortable; Haly's going down for this."

Then he left them.

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